1st Edition

Understanding Readers' Understanding Theory To Practice

    This collection features papers addressing current issues in reading comprehension from cognitive and linguistic perspectives. Organized into three sections, the volume investigates text considerations and reader-text interactions. Each paper presents a substantial and comprehensive review of theory and research related to cognition and reading comprehension.

    Contents: Part I:Text Considerations. W. Kintsch, Contributions from Cognitive Psychology. R. deBeaugrande, Text, Attention, and Memory in Reading Research. B.J.F. Meyer, Following the Author's Top-Level Organization: An Important Skill for Reading Comprehension. R.J. Spiro, B.M. Taylor, On Investigating Children's Transition from Narrative to Expository Discourse: The Multidimensional Nature of Psychological Text Classification. J. Mosenthal, The Reader's Affective Response to Narrative Text. Part II:Language, Knowledge of the World, and Inference. A. Iran-Nejad, The Schema: A Long-Term Memory Structure or a Transient Structural Phenomena. C.C. Pappas, The Role of "Typicality" in Reading Comprehension. R. Beach, R. Brown, Discourse Conventions and Literary Inference: Toward a Theoretical Model. B. Altwerger, S.L. Strauss, Reader's Understanding of Metaphor: Implications of Linguistic Theory for Psycholinguistic Research. R.F. Carey, J.C. Harste, Comprehension as Context: Toward Reconsideration of a Transactional Theory of Reading. R.J. Tierney, J. LaZansky, T. Rapheal, P. Cohen, Author's Intentions and Readers' Interpretation. Part III:Instructional Issues. J.W. Cunningham, Toward a Pedagogy of Inferential Comprehension and Creative Response. J. LaZansky, F. Spencer, M. Johnston, Learning to Read: Setting Students Up. C.A. Bridge, Strategies for Promoting Reader-Text Interactions. P.L. Anders, P.D. Pearson, Instructional Research on Literacy and Reading: Parameters, Perspectives and Predictions.


    Robert J. Tierney, Patricia L. Anders, Judy Nichols Mitchell