160 Pages
    by Routledge

    by Routledge

    Multiple Sclerosis affects hopes and expectations, restructures relationships, modifies careers and changes lives. It is a disease of variable onset, problematic diagnosis, unpredicatable prognosis and no effective treatment. Using unique autobiographical accounts of people with the disease, Ian Robinson sensitively portrays the difficulties and frustrations of the struggle to make sense of the clinical diagnosis and management of an illness which is effectively a way of life.

    Chapter 1 Understanding multiple sclerosis; Chapter 2 Solving the puzzle; Chapter 3 Life with multiple sclerosis; Chapter 4 Life with multiple sclerosis; Chapter 5 The experience of managing multiple sclerosis; Chapter 6 Sources of support; Chapter 7 Making sense of the future;


    Ian Robinson

    'A valuable book which should be of particular use to students and practitioners in the health professions, and to researchers working in health psychology and medical sociology.' - Stephen Wright, Medical Sociology News

    'Ian Robinson ably fulfils the aims of this excellent series which is to "integrate the personal accounts of individuals who experience illness with the growing sociological and psychological literature."' - Louise Earll, Psychology and Health