240 Pages
    by Routledge

    240 Pages
    by Routledge

    Positive Alternatives to School Exclusion looks at what schools can do to build more harmonious communities and engage students - particularly those at risk of exclusion - more productively in all areas of school life. It describes the Positive Alternatives to School Exclusion Project, a multi-phase, collaborative initiative based at the School of Education, University of Cambridge.
    Drawing on the perspectives of staff and pupils, the authors provide detailed case studies of the approaches and strategies being adopted in a variety of settings (primary, secondary and FE) to foster inclusion and reduce and prevent exclusion. It also identifies a number of different frameworks, drawn from the case studies, which can be used by practitioners working in other settings to support their own reflection and development work. Particular importance is placed, throughout the book, on valuing the domain of personal experience in the life of the school community. The authors explore this theme in detail, suggesting ways in which it might become a priority focus of further development work in schools.

    1.Introducing the Positive Alternatives to School Exclusion project 2.Anne Fine primary school 3.Virginia Woolf High School (1) 4.Virginian Woolf High School (2) 5.T.S. Eliot High School 6.Ogden Nash upper school 7.William Shakespeare upper school 8.Rudyard Kipling Further Education College 9.Using insights from the case studies: frameworks for understanding and developing practice 10.Making human sense: the importance of personal experience 11.Research as development


    Paul Cooper, Mary Jane Drummond, Susan Hart, Jane Lovey and Colleen McLaughlin are all members of staff at the School of Education, University of Cambridge.

    Winner of the 2001 TES-NASEN Academic Book Award
    'The book offers something to everyone. It reports an interesting research project in a way which is academically reputable, yet is written in an accessible style. It deals with the immediate issues facing schools and teachers and presents case studies to which practitioners can relate.'
    - Alan Dyson, Chair of the NASEN of Judging Panel 2001

    'This will have been of immense value to schools involved, and the findings should be more widely useful.' - Gary Thomas, Times Educational Supplement