1st Edition

Government Laboratory Technology Transfer Process and Impact

By Sally Rood Copyright 2000

    This title was first published in 2000:  Due to budget cuts and competitiveness pressures, determining the outcome of technology transfer from government R&D laboratories to private industry and entrepreneurial start-ups is of increasing interest. This book presents a series of case studies of successful technology transfer by examining the same list of topics for each case. It presents a format for analyzing the cases, topic by topic - a methodology that could be used by any R&D laboratory. The book also goes one step further and compares the cases that took place prior to national technology transfer legislation with those cases that took place after passage of such legislation. An additional feature is the summary of existing attempts to measure and evaluate technology transfer. This follows a backgroudn section on the technology policy context. The analysis finds that there is a significant commercial impact from government laboratory transfer using this approach.

    1: Technology Transfer Introduction; 2: Policy and Evaluation Background; 3: Early Award Winners; 4: Later Winners; 5: Comparing the 1980s and 1990s Cases; 6: Lessons Learned


    Sally Rood