144 Pages
    by Routledge

    144 Pages
    by Routledge

    Social Anthropology explains and illustrates the methods of modern anthropology, tracing its development from pre-nineteenth-century philosophical speculations and the empirical work of explorers, missionaries and colonial servants, up to the second half of the twentieth century.
    First published in 1951.

    Chapter I The Scope of the Subject; Chapter II Theoretical Beginnings; Chapter III Later Theoretical Developments; Chapter IV Fieldwork and the Empirical Tradition; Chapter V Modern Anthropological Studies; Chapter VI Applied Anthropology;


    E E Evans-Pritchard

    'The book defines the scope of the subject and illustrates the kind of field studies that constitute an important part of present day anthropological investigation.' - British Journal of Sociology

    'These lectures can be strongly recommended to all those interested in the subject.' - Times Literary Supplement