1st Edition

Stroke Services Policy and Practice Across Europe

    A practical guide which aims to provide immediate help in decision-making. It offers specific advice on management of each condition, when to use ointments or creams, how much to prescribe, what active constituents should be used, and what to do if treatment fails or patients return. There is a formulary of dermatological products, examples of patient information sheets and a list of adverse drug reactions.

    The problem of interpreting variations in health status (morbidity and mortality) in Europe. Building workable data sets for health service research. Population disease registers. The organisation of care: documenting services in different settings. Variations in the process of care for stroke: implications for quality improvements. League tables of outcomes for chronic disease. From the patients perspective: subjective outcome assessment. Costing care across Europe. Lessons learnt. Useful definitions. Appendices: Data collection sheets.


    Wolfe, Charles; McKevitt, Christopher ; Rudd, Tony