344 Pages
    by Routledge

    360 Pages
    by Routledge

    Originally published in 1934, Palmer’s biography of famous playwright Ben Jonson delves into his life and works and what he achieved in both. As first poet laureate of England, Jonson’s life presents a fascinating look into the state of literature and theatre in renaissance Britain which Palmer presents in great detail. This title will be of interest to students of literature.

     1. The First Twenty-Five Years  2. The Comedy of Humours  3. Poetomachia  4. Elizabeth and James  5. Star Chamber  6. Maturity  7. The Tragedies  8. Whitehall  9. The Masterpieces  10. Bartholomew Fair  11. The Happy Laureate  12. Discoveries  13.The Later Masks  14. Decline and Fall  15. The Dotages  16. Anthology  17. Green Fields;  Index


    John Palmer