1st Edition

Greenhouse Warming Abatement and Adaptation

    200 Pages
    by Routledge

    200 Pages
    by Routledge

    Originally published in 1989, Greenhouse Warming combines papers presented at a workshop held in 1987 to discuss climate change. This study identifies ways that climate impacts upon agriculture, forestry and water resources in order to advise on safeguarding against drought, flood and extreme cold as well as what policies can be implemented to adapt to the probable physical and socioeconomic impacts of climate change. This study will be of interest to students of environmental studies.

     List of Figures and Tables;  Preface; Contributors;  1. Introduction;  Part 1: Background;  2. The Greenhouse Effect: Its Causes, Possible Impacts, and Associated Uncertainties  3. Human Development and Carbon Dioxide Emissions: The Current Picture and the Long-Term Prospects  4. Sea-Level Rise: Regional Consequences and Responses  5. Climate Change: problems of Limits and Policy Responses  6. Assessing and Managing the Risks of Climate Change;  Part 2: Natural Resource Sectors;  7. Adapting Future Agriculture to Changes in Climate  8. Climate and Forests  9. The Biological Consequences of Climate Changes: An Ecological and Economic Assessment  10. Water Resources and Climate Change;  Part 3: Perspectives;  11. Potential Strategies for Adapting to Greenhouse Warming: Perspectives from the Developing World  12. Human Dimensions of Global Change: Toward a Research Agenda  13. Thoughts on Abatement and Adaptation;  14. Epilogue


    Norman J. Rosenberg, William E. Easterling III, Pierre R. Crosson, Joel Darmstadter