698 Pages
    by Psychology Press

    First published in 1984. With this volume we initiate a series of books in comparative cognition and neuroscience. The presentations at the Harry Frank Guggenheim Conference, June 2-4, 1982, out of which the present volume grew, showed that this field of enquiry into cognitive functioning and its neural basis had reached maturity.

    Preface, I. COGNITION IN ANIMALS AND HUMANS, 1. Animal Cognition, 2. Contributions of Animal Memory to the Interpretation of Animal Learning, 3. Animal Intelligence: Understanding the Minds of Animals Through Their Behavioral Ambassadors, 4. The Road from Behaviorism to Rationalism, II. WORKING MEMORY, 5. Representations in Pigeon Working Memory, 6. Rehearsal in Pigeon Short-Term Memory, 7. Some Problems for a Theory of Working Memory, 8. How Expectancies Guide Behavior, 9. Cognitive Processes in Cebus Monkeys, III. SEQUENCE MEMORY, 10. Working Memory and Serial Patterns, 11. Cognitive Processing of Pitch and Rhythm Structures by Birds, 12. Order Competencies in Animals: Models for the Delayed Sequence Discrimination Task, 13. Self Reports by Rats of the Temporal Patterning of Their Behavior: A Dissociation Between Tacit Knowledge and Knowledge, IV. CONCEPT FORMATION AND PROCESSING OF COMPLEX STIMULI, 14. Objects, Categories, and Discriminative Stimuli, 15. In What Sense Do Pigeons Learn Concepts?, 16. Form Recognition in Pigeons, 17. Acquisition of Functional Symbol Usage in Apes and Children, 18. Absence As Information: Some Implications For Learning, Performance, and Representational Processes, 19. Do Pigeons Decompose Stimulus Compounds?, V. JUDGMENTS OF SIMILARITY AND DIFFERENCE, 20. Pigeon and Monkey Serial Probe Recognition: Acquisition, Strategies, and Serial Position Effects, 21. Serial Position Effects and Rehearsal in Primate Visual Memory, 22. Cognitive Factors in Conditional Learning by Pigeons, VI. SPACE, TIME, AND NUMBER, 23. Testing the Geometric Power of an Animal's Spatial Representation, 24. Some Issues in Animal Spatial Memory, 25. The Numerical Attribute of Stimuli, 26. Sources of Variance in an Information Processing Theory of Timing, VII. EVOLUTION AND DEVELOPMENT, 27. The Ecology and Brain of Two-Handed Bipedalism: An Analytic, Cognitive, and Evolutionary Assessment, 28. The Cache-Recovery System as an Example of Memory Capabilities in Clark's Nutcracker, 29. Adaptation and Cognition: Knowing What Comes Naturally, 30. Ontogenetic Differences in the Processing of Multi-element Stimuli, 31. The Evolution of Cognition in Primates: A Comparative Perspective, VIII. NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL APPROACHES, 32. Common Components of Information Processing Underlying Memory Disorders in Humans and Animals, 33. The Hippocampus as an Interface Between Cognition and Emotion, 34. Brain Systems and Cognitive Learning Processes, Author Index, Subject Index


    H.L. Roitblat, T.G. Bever, H.S. Terrace all Columbia University