1st Edition

A Geography of Heritage Power, Culture and Economy

    The concept of heritage relates to the ways in which contemporary society uses the past as a social, political or economic resource. However, heritage is open to interpretation and its value may be perceived from differing perspectives - often reflecting divisions in society. Moreover, the schism between the cultural and economic uses of heritage also gives rise to potential conflicts of interest.

    Examining these issues in depth, this book is the first sustained attempt to integrate the study of heritage into contemporary human geography. It is structured around three themes: the diversity of use and consumption of heritage as a multi-sold cultural and economic resource; the conflicts and tensions arising from this multiplicity of uses, producers and consumers; and the relationship between heritage and identity at a variety of scales.

    Heritage and geography
    Part 1 The context
    The uses and abuses of heritage
    Part 2 Heritage and the cultural realm: its social and political uses
    Heritage, power and identity
    Heritage and national identity
    Multicultural heritage: from dissonance to harmony?
    Part 3 The economic uses of heritage
    Heritage and economics: an ambiguous relationship
    Heritage in economic development strategies
    Part 4 Heritage and scale
    Heritage and scale I: the national
    Heritage and scale II: the local
    Heritage and scale II: from the national to the continental management of heritage
    Heritage and scale II: towards a global heritage
    Towards an integrated geography of heritage.


    Professor of Human Geography, University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland., Professor of Heritage Management and Urban Tourism, University of Groningen, The Netherlands., Associate Professor of Geography, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.

    This new volume is crisper in conception and clearer in content..it is to be highly recommended for use in courses on heritage and public history.

    This is an information-rich text that summarizes and synthesizes a good deal of the relevant literature. It draws upon the legion of writers, whose work touches upon heritage in some way, to useful effect. The text also provides a wide range of case studies that students will find a valuable source of reference.
    Progress in Human Geography

    There are many strengths in this book, not least its scalar analysis, careful and clear conceptualisation and its systematic structure. There are very useful illustrations of policy and management operations in the heritage field. The book is lavishly illustrated with maps and photographs. It is compelling evidence that a geography of heritage exists, and has existed for some time. The book commends itself to advanced undergraduates and students preparing for research in this field, in geography and heritage studies.
    Scottish Geography Journal