1st Edition

Comparative Environmental Risk Assessment

By C. Richard Cothern Copyright 1993

    What data is needed to complete a quantitative risk assessment for environmental and public health? How accurate does a quantitative risk assessment have to be? How confident does a risk assessor need to be when presenting risk estimates to a decision maker? Find out the answers to these questions and more with Comparative Environmental Risk Assessment, the first major commercial publication that describes the current state of the art in comparative environmental risk assessment. This book examines the problems involved in such analyses and offers ideas and thoughts for future development. The book examines major problems in this area and covers all aspects of the environment, including human and ecological health. Comparative Environmental Risk Assessment is an excellent guide for risk assessment experts, environmentalists, regulators, planners, legislators, scientists in industry, instructors, and students.

    1. Ecological Health Risks 2. Human Health Risks 3. Quantitative Risk Assessment Problem Areas and Issues 4. Thoughts for the Future


    Cothern, C. Richard