1st Edition

Modelling Spatial and Spatial-Temporal Data A Bayesian Approach

By Robert P. Haining, Guangquan Li Copyright 2020
    640 Pages 20 B/W Illustrations
    by Chapman & Hall

    640 Pages 20 B/W Illustrations
    by Chapman & Hall

    Modelling Spatial and Spatial-Temporal Data: A Bayesian Approach is aimed at statisticians and quantitative social, economic and public health students and researchers who work with small-area spatial and spatial-temporal data. It assumes a grounding in statistical theory up to the standard linear regression model. The book compares both hierarchical and spatial econometric modelling, providing both a reference and a teaching text with exercises in each chapter. The book provides a fully Bayesian, self-contained, treatment of the underlying statistical theory, with chapters dedicated to substantive applications. The book includes WinBUGS code and R code and all datasets are available online.

    Part I covers fundamental issues arising when modelling spatial and spatial-temporal data. Part II focuses on modelling cross-sectional spatial data and begins by describing exploratory methods that help guide the modelling process. There are then two theoretical chapters on Bayesian models and a chapter of applications. Two chapters follow on spatial econometric modelling, one describing different models, the other substantive applications. Part III discusses modelling spatial-temporal data, first introducing models for time series data. Exploratory methods for detecting different types of space-time interaction are presented, followed by two chapters on the theory of space-time separable (without space-time interaction) and inseparable (with space-time interaction) models. An applications chapter includes: the evaluation of a policy intervention; analysing the temporal dynamics of crime hotspots; chronic disease surveillance; and testing for evidence of spatial spillovers in the spread of an infectious disease. A final chapter suggests some future directions and challenges.

    Robert Haining is Emeritus Professor in Human Geography, University of Cambridge, England. He is the author of Spatial Data Analysis in the Social and Environmental Sciences (1990) and Spatial Data Analysis: Theory and Practice (2003). He is a Fellow of the RGS-IBG and of the Academy of Social Sciences.

    Guangquan Li is Senior Lecturer in Statistics in the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Electrical Engineering, Northumbria University, Newcastle, England. His research includes the development and application of Bayesian methods in the social and health sciences. He is a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society.


    Section I. Fundamentals for modelling spatial and spatial-temporal data

    1. Challenges and opportunities analysing spatial and spatial-temporal data


    Four main challenges when analysing spatial and spatial-temporal data



    Data sparsity


    Data uncertainty

    Model (or process) uncertainty

    Parameter uncertainty

    Opportunities arising from modelling spatial and spatial-temporal data

    Improving statistical precision

    Explaining variation in space and time

    Example 1: Modelling exposure-outcome relationships

    Example 2: Testing a conceptual model at the small area level

    Example 3: Testing for spatial spillover (local competition) effects

    Example 4: Assessing the effects of an intervention

    Investigating space-time dynamics

    Spatial and spatial-temporal models: bridging between challenges and opportunities

    Statistical thinking in analysing spatial and spatial-temporal data: the big picture

    Bayesian thinking in a statistical analysis

    Bayesian hierarchical models

    Thinking hierarchically

    The data model

    The process model

    The parameter model

    Incorporating spatial and spatial-temporal dependence structures in a Bayesian hierarchical model using random effects

    Information sharing in a Bayesian hierarchical model through random effects

    Bayesian spatial econometrics

    Concluding remarks

    The datasets used in the book


    2. Concepts for modelling spatial and spatial-temporal data: an introduction to "spatial thinking"


    Mapping data and why it matters

    Thinking spatially

    Explaining spatial variation

    Spatial interpolation and small area estimation

    Thinking spatially and temporally

    Explaining space-time variation

    Estimating parameters for spatial-temporal units

    Concluding remarks


    Appendix: Geographic Information Systems

    3. The nature of spatial and spatial-temporal attribute data


    Data collection processes in the social sciences

    Natural experiments


    Non-experimental observational studies

    Spatial and spatial-temporal data: properties

    From geographical reality to the spatial database

    Fundamental properties of spatial and spatial-temporal data

    Spatial and temporal dependence.

    Spatial and temporal heterogeneity

    Properties induced by representational choices

    Properties induced by measurement processes

    Concluding remarks


    4. Specifying spatial relationships on the map: the weights matrix


    Specifying weights based on contiguity

    Specifying weights based on geographical distance

    Specifying weights based on the graph structure associated with a set of points

    Specifying weights based on attribute values

    Specifying weights based on evidence about interactions

    Row standardisation

    Higher order weights matrices

    Choice of W and statistical implications

    Implications for small area estimation

    Implications for spatial econometric modelling

    Implications for estimating the effects of observable covariates on the outcome

    Estimating the W matrix

    Concluding remarks



    Appendix: Building a geodatabase in R

    Appendix: Constructing the W matrix and accessing data stored in a shapefile

    5. Introduction to the Bayesian approach to regression modelling with spatial and spatial-temporal data


    Introducing Bayesian analysis

    Prior, likelihood and posterior: what do these terms refer to?

    Example: modelling high-intensity crime areas

    Bayesian computation

    Summarizing the posterior distribution

    Integration and Monte Carlo integration

    Markov chain Monte Carlo with Gibbs sampling

    Introduction to WinBUGS

    Practical considerations when fitting models in WinBUGS

    Setting the initial values

    Checking convergence

    Checking efficiency

    Bayesian regression models

    Example I: modelling household-level income

    Example II: modelling annual burglary rates in small areas

    Bayesian model comparison and model evaluation

    Prior specifications

    When we have little prior information

    Towards more informative priors for spatial and spatial-temporal data

    Concluding remarks


    Section II Modelling spatial data

    6. Exploratory analysis of spatial data


    Techniques for the exploratory analysis of univariate spatial data


    Checking for spatial trend

    Checking for spatial heterogeneity in the mean

    Count data

    A Monte Carlo test

    Continuous-valued data

    Checking for global spatial dependence (spatial autocorrelation)

    The Moran scatterplot

    The global Moran’s I statistic

    Other test statistics for assessing global spatial autocorrelation

    The join-count test for categorical data

    The global Moran’s I applied to regression residuals

    Checking for spatial heterogeneity in the spatial dependence structure: detecting local spatial clusters

    The Local Moran’s I

    The multiple testing problem when using local Moran’s I

    Kulldorff’s spatial scan statistic

    Exploring relationships between variables:

    Scatterplots and the bivariate Moran scatterplot

    Quantifying bivariate association

    The Clifford-Richardson test of bivariate correlation in the presence of spatial autocorrelation

    Testing for association "at a distance" and the global bivariate Moran’s I

    Checking for spatial heterogeneity in the outcome-covariate relationship: Geographically weighted regression (GWR)

    Overdispersion and zero-inflation in spatial count data

    Testing for overdispersion

    Testing for zero-inflation

    Concluding remarks


    Appendix: An R function to perform the zero-inflation test by van den Broek (1995)

    7. Bayesian models for spatial data I: Non-hierarchical and exchangeable hierarchical models


    Estimating small area income: a motivating example and different modelling strategies

    Modelling the 109 parameters non-hierarchically

    Modelling the 109 parameters hierarchically

    Modelling the Newcastle income data using non-hierarchical models

    An identical parameter model based on Strategy 1

    An independent parameters model based on Strategy 2

    An exchangeable hierarchical model based on Strategy 3

    The logic of information borrowing and shrinkage

    Explaining the nature of global smoothing due to exchangeability

    The variance partition coefficient (VPC)

    Applying an exchangeable hierarchical model to the Newcastle income data

    Concluding remarks


    Appendix: Obtaining the simulated household income data

    8. Bayesian models for spatial data II: hierarchical models with spatial dependence


    The intrinsic conditional autoregressive (ICAR) model

    The ICAR model using a spatial weights matrix with binary entries

    The WinBUGS implementation of the ICAR model

    Applying the ICAR model using spatial contiguity to the Newcastle income data


    A summary of the properties of the ICAR model using a binary spatial weights matrix

    The ICAR model with a general weights matrix

    Expressing the ICAR model as a joint distribution and the implied restriction on W

    The sum-to-zero constraint

    Applying the ICAR model using general weights to the Newcastle income data


    The proper CAR (pCAR) model

    Prior choice for ?

    ICAR or pCAR?

    Applying the pCAR model to the Newcastle income data


    Locally adaptive models

    Choosing an optimal W matrix from all possible specifications

    Modelling the elements of the W matrix

    Applying some of the locally adaptive spatial models to a subset of the Newcastle income data

    The Besag, York and Mollié (BYM) model

    Two remarks on applying the BYM model in practice

    Applying the BYM model to the Newcastle income data

    Comparing the fits of different Bayesian spatial models

    DIC comparison

    Model comparison based on the quality of the MSOA-level average income estimates

    Concluding remarks


    9. Bayesian hierarchical models for spatial data: applications


    Application 1: Modelling the distribution of high intensity crime areas in a city


    Data and exploratory analysis

    Methods discussed in Haining and Law (2007) to combine the PHIA and EHIA maps

    A joint analysis of the PHIA and EHIA data using the MVCAR model


    Another specification of the MVCAR model and a limitation of the MVCAR approach

    Conclusion and discussion

    Application 2: Modelling the association between air pollution and stroke mortality

    Background and data


    Interpreting the statistical results

    Conclusion and discussion

    Application 3: Modelling the village-level incidence of malaria in a small region of India


    Data and exploratory analysis

    Model I: A Poisson regression model with random effects

    Model II: A two-component Poisson mixture model

    Model III: A two-component Poisson mixture model with zero-inflation


    Conclusion and model extensions

    Application 4: Modelling the small area count of cases of rape in Stockholm, Sweden

    Background and data


    "whole map" analysis using Poisson regression

    "localised" analysis using Bayesian profile regression


    "Whole map" associations for the risk factors

    "Local" associations for the risk factors



    10. Spatial econometric models


    Spatial econometric models

    Three forms of spatial spillover

    The spatial lag model (SLM)

    Formulating the model

    An example of the SLM

    The reduced form of the SLM and the constraint on?

    Specification of the spatial weights matrix

    Issues with model fitting and interpreting coefficients

    The spatially lagged covariates model (SLX)

    Formulating the model

    An example of the SLX model

    The spatial error model (SEM)

    The spatial Durbin model (SDM)

    Formulating the model

    Relating the SDM model to the other three spatial econometric models

    Prior specifications

    An example: modelling cigarette sales in 46 US states

    Data description, exploratory analysis and model specifications


    Interpreting covariate effects

    Definitions of the direct, indirect and total effects of a covariate

    Measuring direct and indirect effects without the SAR structure on the outcome variables

    For the LM and SEM models

    For the SLX model

    Measuring direct and indirect effects when the outcome variables are modelled by the SAR structure

    Understanding direct and indirect effects in the presence of spatial feedback

    Calculating the direct and indirect effects in the presence of spatial feedback

    Some properties of direct and indirect effects

    A property (limitation) of the average direct and average indirect effects under the SLM model


    The estimated effects from the cigarette sales data

    Model fitting in WinBUGS

    Derivation of the likelihood function

    Simplifications to the likelihood function

    The zeros-trick in WinBUGS

    Calculating the covariate effects in WinBUGS

    Concluding remarks

    Other spatial econometric models and two problems of identifiability

    Comparing the hierarchical modelling approach and the spatial econometric modelling approach: a summary


    11. Spatial Econometric Modelling: applications

    Application 1: Modelling the voting outcomes at the local authority district level in England from the 2016 EU referendum



    Exploratory data analysis

    Modelling using spatial econometric models


    Conclusion and discussion

    Application 2: Modelling price competition between petrol retail outlets in a large city



    Exploratory data analysis

    Spatial econometric modelling and results

    A spatial hierarchical model with t4 likelihood

    Conclusion and discussion

    Final remarks on spatial econometric modelling of spatial data


    Appendix: Petrol price data

    Section III Modelling spatial-temporal data

    12. Modelling spatial-temporal data: an introduction


    Modelling annual counts of burglary cases at the small area level: a motivating example and frameworks for modelling spatial-temporal data

    Modelling small area temporal data

    Issues to consider when modelling temporal patterns in the small area setting

    Issues relating to temporal dependence

    Issues relating to temporal heterogeneity and spatial heterogeneity in modelling small area temporal patterns

    Issues relating to flexibility of a temporal model

    Modelling small area temporal patterns: setting the scene

    A linear time trend model

    Model formulations

    Modelling trends in the Peterborough burglary data

    Results from fitting the linear trend model without temporal noise

    Results from fitting the linear trend model with temporal no

    Random walk models

    Model formulations

    The RW(1) model: its formulation via the full conditionals and its properties

    WinBUGS implementation of the RW(1) model

    Example: modelling burglary trends using the Peterborough data

    The random walk model of order 2

    Interrupted time series (ITS) models

    Quasi-experimental designs and the purpose of ITS modelling

    Model formulations

    WinBUGS implementation


    Concluding remarks


    Appendix Three different forms for specifying the impact function, f

    13. Exploratory analysis of spatial-temporal data


    Patterns of spatial-temporal data

    Visualizing spatial-temporal datayou

    Tests of space-time interaction

    The Knox test

    An instructive example of the Knox test and different methods to derive a p-value

    Applying the Knox test to the malaria data

    Kulldorff’s space-time scan statistic

    Application: the simulated small area COPD mortality data

    Assessing space-time interaction in the form of varying local time trend patterns

    Exploratory analysis of the local trends in the Peterborough burglary data

    Exploratory analysis of the local time trends in the England COPD mortality data

    Concluding remarks


    14. Bayesian hierarchical models for spatial-temporal data I: space-time separable models


    Estimating small area burglary rates over time: setting the scene

    The space-time separable modelling framework

    Model formulations

    Do we combine the space and time components additively or multiplicatively?

    Analysing the Peterborough burglary data using a space-time separable model


    Concluding remarks


    15. Bayesian hierarchical models for spatial-temporal data II: space-time inseparable models


    From space-time separability to space-time inseparability: the big picture

    Type I space-time interaction

    Example: a space-time model with Type I space-time interaction

    WinBUGS implementation

    Type II space-time interaction

    Example: two space-time models with Type II space-time interaction

    WinBUGS implementation

    Type III space-time interaction

    Example: a space-time model with Type III space-time interaction

    WinBUGS implementation

    Results from analysing the Peterborough burglary data: Part I

    Type IV space-time interaction

    Strategy 1: extending Type II to Type IV

    Strategy 2: extending Type III to Type IV

    Examples of strategy 2

    Strategy 3: Clayton’s rule

    Structure matrices and Gaussian Markov random fields

    Taking the Kronecker product

    Exploring the induced space-time dependence structure via the full conditionals

    Summary on Type IV space-time interaction

    Concluding remarks


    16. Modelling spatial-temporal data: applications


    Application 1: evaluating a targeted crime reduction intervention

    Background and data

    Constructing different control groups

    Evaluation using ITS

    WinBUGS implementation


    Some remarks

    Application 2: assessing the stability of risk in space and time

    Studying the temporal dynamics of crime hotspots and coldspots: background, data and the modelling idea

    Model formulations

    Classification of areas

    Model implementation and area classification

    Interpreting the statistical results

    Application 3: detecting unusual local time patterns in small area data

    Small area disease surveillance: background and modelling idea

    Model formulation

    Detecting unusual areas with a control of the false discovery rate

    Fitting BaySTDetect in WinBUGS

    A simulated dataset to illustrate the use of BaySTDetect

    Results from the simulated dataset

    General results from Li et al. (2012) and an extension of BaySTDetect

    Application 4: Investigating the presence of spatial-temporal spillover effects on village-level malaria risk in Kalaburagi, Karnataka, India

    Background and study objective




    Concluding remarks


    Section IV Directions in spatial and spatial-temporal data analysis

    17. Modelling spatial and spatial-temporal data: Future agendas?

    Topic 1: Modelling multiple related outcomes over space and time

    Topic 2: Joint modelling of georeferenced longitudinal and time-to-event data

    Topic 3: Multiscale modelling

    Topic 4: Using survey data for small area estimation

    Topic 5: Combining data at both aggregate and individual levels to improve ecological inference

    Topic 6: Geostatistical modelling

    Spatial dependence

    Mapping to reduce visual bias

    Modelling scale effects

    Topic 7: Modelling count data in spatial econometrics

    Topic 8: Computation


    Robert Haining is Emeritus Professor in Human Geography, University of Cambridge, England. He is the author of Spatial Data Analysis in the Social and Environmental Sciences (1990) and Spatial Data Analysis: Theory and Practice (2003). He is a Fellow of the RGS-IBG and of the Academy of Social Sciences.

    Guangquan Li is Senior Lecturer in Statistics in the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Electrical Engineering, Northumbria University, Newcastle, England. His research includes the development and application of Bayesian methods in the social and health sciences. He is a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society.

    "Knowledge on statistical theory and regression concepts are essential to read, comprehend, appreciate, and use the rich contents of this fascinating book. This well-written book is a good source for the Bayesian concepts and methods to practice the spatial-temporal analysis using R and WinBugs codes . . . I recommend this book to economics, health, statistics and computing professionals and researchers."
    ~ Ramalingam Shanmugam, Texas State University