1st Edition

Classic Anthropology Critical Essays, 1944-96

By John W. Bennett Copyright 1993

    Classic anthropology is Bennett''s label for the work produced by anthropologists between 1915 and 1955. In this book, Bennett criticises classic anthropology for ne glecting the contemporary world and modern societies. '

    1: Classic Anthropology: An Introduction; Introductory Note to Chapters 2 and 3; 2: Myth, Theory, and Value in Cultural Anthropology; 3: Interdisciplinary Research and the Concept of Culture; 4: The Micro-Macro Nexus in Classic and Post-Classic Anthropology; 5: The Plains Indian Sun Dance: Leslie Spier’s Historical Reconstruction, and Functionalist Research by Others; 6: Interpretations of Pueblo Indian Culture by Laura Thompson, Esther Goldfrank, Dorothy Eggan, and Others; 7: Early and Late Functional Analysis: Bronislaw Malinowski’s Baloma: Spirits of the Dead and Clyde Kluckhohn’s Navaho Witchcraft; 8: A Problem in Social Organization: The Use of Kinship as an Organizing Principle for Instrumental Activities; 9: Psychology and Anthropology: Modes of Interface as Represented in the Work of F. C. Bartlett, Abram Kardiner, Ralph Linton, and Gregory Bateson; Introductory Note to Chapters 10 and 11; 10: A. L. Kroeber and the Concept of Culture as Superorganic; 11: Walter W. Taylor and Americanist Archaeology’s Search for a Concept of Culture; 12: Applied and Action Anthropology: Problems of Ideology and Intervention; 13: The “Famous Lady Anthropologists”: Ruth Benedict and Margaret Mead; 14: Populist Anthropology: Robert Lowie, Marvin Harris, and Clyde Kluckhohn; 15: Epilogue: A Philosophical Voice at the End of the Classic Era: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin


    John W. Bennett