342 Pages
    by CRC Press

    A new approach to improving the production of goods and services, Constraints Management (CM), recognizes the powerful role of the constraint (the limiting resource) in determining the output of the entire production system. By learning about and mastering CM concepts, managers can improve their companies' present output and plan for future growth as well.

    Section I: Constraints Management Logistics Basics
    What is Constraints Management?
    The Production Planning and Control Framework
    The Five-Step Focusing Process
    The Drum-Buffer-Rope Scheduling Method
    The V-A-T Logical Structures Analysis
    Section II: Case Studies of CM Facilities
    An Overview of the Cases and Analysis
    Valmont/ALS Brenham, Texas
    The Trane Company, Inc., Macon, Georgia
    Stanley Furniture, Stanleytown, Virginia
    Section III: Overview of Other CM Tools
    The Constraints Management Measurement System
    The Constraints Management Thinking Processes


    James F. Cox III; Michael S. Spencer

    "The Constraints Management Handbook is an excellent attempt to unify the pieces in production: sorting through the fog of classification, the overlap between MRP, JIT and TOC, and clarifying the implications on one of the most important aspects-the measurements. On these topics they have done a comprehensive work. But they don't stop there. They also introduce the reader to the power of using logic in a systematic way-the thinking processes-so that more people will help in the effort to turn the field of management into a hard science."
    -Eli M. Goldratt, author of The Goal, It's Not Luck, and Critical Chain
    "I congratulate Jim Cox and Mike Spencer on an excellent book. As pioneers of constraints management in the academic community, it is fitting that they author the first comprehensive handbook on the topic. The book takes all the facets of constraints management: logistics, focusing steps and the thinking processes and presents them in an easy-to-understand and logical manner. The robustness of their real case study examples are excellent. If an organization or executive is considering embracing constraints management as part of their approach, this book along with The Goal is a must read."
    -John Covington, Chesapeake Consulting Inc.