1st Edition

Teaching Toward Democracy Educators as Agents of Change

    154 Pages
    by Routledge

    154 Pages
    by Routledge

    "Teaching Toward Democracy" examines the contested space of schooling and school reform with a focus on the unique challenges and opportunities that teaching in a democratic society provides. Teaching in and for democracy involves developing particular qualities of mind that teachers explore and work to develop as they become more effective educators. Some chapters open with familiar experiences in the lives of teachers in schools (working with parents and communities, or dealing with classroom discipline and management) and illuminate that commonplace in new, helpful, and sometimes startling, ways. Other chapters present possible interventions any teacher might make in any classroom for example, using the arts as an organizing center and metaphor for teaching more generally, or rethinking the press of politics on our every day practice. This book foregrounds the central idea that democratic ideals are a necessary starting point and context in which to enact our teaching here and now."

    Series Foreword Introduction 1 Opening the Classroom Door 2 Slow, Active, and Surprising: Remaking Teaching Through the Arts 3 Our Communities Deserve Justice! Social Justice Teaching and Community Building 4 Resisting the Pedagogy of Punishment 5 Improving Educational Policy: Reframing the Debate, Reclaiming Public Voice


    William Ayers is Distinguished Professor of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago. His recent publications include Race Course Against White Supremacy (with Bernadine Dohrn) and the Handbook of Social Justice in Education (with Therese Quinn and David Stovall). Kevin K. Kumashiro is Professor and Chair of Educational Policy Studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago and the founding director of the Center for Anti-Oppressive Education. His recent books include The Seduction of Common Sense: How the Right Has Framed the Debate on America’s Schools and Against Common Sense: Teaching and Learning Toward Social Justice. Erica R. Meiners is Professor of Education and Women’s Studies at Northeastern Illinois University. She is the author of Right to Be Hostile: Schools, Prisons, and the Making of Public Enemies, and with Therese Quinn, Flaunting It! Queers Organizing for Public Education and Justice, and “Never Innocent: Feminist Trouble with Sex Offender Registries and Protection in a Prison Nation,” in Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism. Therese Quinn is Associate Professor of Art Education at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Her recent publications include Flaunting It! Queers Organizing for Public Education and Justice and the Hand book of Social Justice in Education. David Stovall is Associate Professor of Educational Policy Studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He is author of numerous scholarly and popular articles, poems, polemics, and reviews, and an editor of the Handbook of Social Justice in Education.

    “Clear, practical, and theoretically grounded, this book provides a solid foundation for understanding that transformation of the classroom and transformation of social relations outside of school are inseparable. Highly recommended.”

    "Teaching Toward Democracy challenges our core beliefs on today’s pressing issues both inside our public schools and beyond them, too. The book is a must read for teachers, parents, policymakers, university faculty and their students.”
    —Deborah Meier, New York University

    *Praise for The Teacher’s Toolkit*

    “This series renders complex ideas not only intelligible, but also meaningful. The authors brilliantly weave together theory and research, vision, and vivid examples. Teacher-readers will find themselves respected as intellectuals, and empowered as leaders.”
    —Christine Sleeter, California State University-Monterey Bay

    “Books about teaching seldom combine theory, research, practice, and inspiration, but that is precisely what The Teacher’s Toolkit series does. Seasoned educators and researchers explore the profession of teaching through social justice and efficacy. University faculty, their students, and new teachers will cherish these books, while veteran teachers will develop new insights from them.”
    —Sonia Nieto, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

    “When we reflect on our careers, we undoubtedly ask whether the choices we made were the best for bringing about a new society. Here is a collection of theoretically cohesive books, all of them integrating research and heart felt understanding. The books carry the polyphonic voices of the individual volumes, and most importantly, they are in sync in purpose, in passion, and in thoughtfulness about how to make our world a better place for all children.”
    —María E. Torres-Guzmán, Teachers College, Columbia University

    “The concerns of twenty-first-century teachers are significant, varied, and urgent. Addressing them as part of professional socialization and further professional development has never been more important. The Teacher’s Toolkit does just that. Using powerful tools of inquiry, narrative, critical reflection, and analysis, these books help new and experienced teachers to achieve balance and perspective in their professional and personal lives.”
    —Susan Florio-Ruane, Michigan State University