216 Pages
    by Psychology Press

    216 Pages
    by Psychology Press

    Originally published in 1961, this was a time when for most laymen the science of behaviour hardly existed. Few people had any clear idea of its methods, its history or, above all, its significance. The work of the behaviourists was almost unknown, yet this was a science which offered the hope of profound insights into the human mind. Broadbent shows how behaviourism had grown towards such sophisticated developments from the beginnings of such men as Watson and Pavlov. The reissue of this title is an opportunity for people to see how Broadbent’s early work influenced the future of psychology.

    Foreword.  1. Why Behaviour?  2. The Evolutionary View  3. Anxiety and Conflict  4. Reasoning in the White Rat  5. Fact and Theory  6. A Scalpel in the Works  7. The Springs of Action  8. The Next Step.  Appendix.  Suggestions for Further Reading.  Index.


    Broadbent, D. E.