20 Pages
    by David Fulton Publishers

    The innovative Creative History Activity Packs series is designed to help teachers bring history topics to life through imaginative creative arts activities. Each pack includes ten laminated, double-sided cards, printed in full color. Each card describes in detail activities that recreate aspects of life in a particular historical period, using art, drama and dance. Each activity is based on historically researched authentic practices of the time. Ideal for whole class or small group sessions, the packs are an inspiration for busy teachers looking for new ways to approach project work at Key Stage 2 - and are easily applicable for Key Stage 1 classes.

    Victorian activities in this pack include making decorative objects - penwipers, fans, cornucopias - based on original Victorian patterns; sewing samplers; making miniature gardens; original Victorian parlor games based on both wordplay and physical activity; and an upstairs/downstairs drama.

    This pack addresses areas of both the study unit Victorian Britain (NC KS2 history) and NC KS2 art, as well as aspects of drama, dance, and design and technology. Through using the activity cards, children are given practical opportunities to: • learn about the lives of Victorian people at different levels of society: work, home, leisure and school • explore and develop ideas through art from a range of starting points, informed by knowledge and understanding of the Victorian period and the type of item made • use a variety of methods and materials, both well-known and unusual • develop an appreciation of the crafts of the period and recognise how they reflect the time in which they were created • compare and link their work with that of craftspeople of a different time and culture • work on their own and with others • use and extend skills and confidence in speaking, listening, reading and writing • respond imaginatively to historical facts through role play • build a presentation or performance and present it to an audience • plan, design, modify and develop the starting points given, to make further artefacts with similar characteristics.


    Jane Bower is a practicing primary teacher and inservice education provider in Cambridgeshire.