240 Pages
    by Routledge

    240 Pages
    by Routledge

    This highly successful book on groupwork practice, first published in 1979, has become a standard introductory text on most social work training courses. It is very popular with social workers, whatever their agency setting, and is also used by health visitors, youth workers and the voluntary sector. This new enlarged and revised third edition includes two new additional chapters. The first of these addresses the issue of groupwork in day and residential centres where special kinds of group skills are required in addition to those already well established for fieldwork groups. The second new chapter attempts to understand the significance of race and gender in groupwork and to begin to develop a framework for anti-discriminatory practice. All key sections from previous editions have been retained and updated, while those on group composition, open groups, co-working and consultation have been extended and revised to give more comprehensive coverage. The bibliography has also been developed to include the most recent additions to the groupwork literature, including many articles from the journal Groupwork for which Allan Brown is co-editor.

    Contents: Groupwork in Social Work; Planning a Group: Preparation and Contract; Leadership in Groups (Including Co-working); Group Programme and Group Process; Working with Groups in Day and Residential Centres; Anti-discriminatory Groupwork: Race and Gender; Developing Groupwork Skills and Understanding; Bibliography; Indices.


    Allan Brown

    ’If required to recommend just one book on working with groups, this would always be the choice.’ Community Care ’Allan Brown’s book has made its mark by its overall balanced view, its accessible style, and, let us spell it out: at a price that front line low paid workers can afford. It offers up-to-date groupwork knowledge relevant to the harsh reality of front line practice. Third time round; it does it again with increased breadth.’ British Journal of Social Work ’The third edition of Groupwork is a worthy successor to its predecessors and easily maintains the standards set by these, it provides both a helpful guide and tool for practice and an authoritative overview of the discipline. Brown achieves a good balance between summary and clear guidance, and critical reflection and challenge.’ Groupwork