1st Edition

Sludge Treatment and Disposal

By B.R. Gurjar Copyright 2001

    Sludge treatment and disposal used to be considered part of water and wastewater treatment, rather than a separate subject, but is now seen as an independent field of study, research and development.  This book is the first text and reference volume on the subject, aiming to provide a comprehensive coverage of basic principles, methods and the advanced practices of sludge treatment and its safe disposal. The book focuses on those aspects of sludge treatment and disposal, particularly in relation to the environment and economy.  Based on its inter-disciplinary approach, comprehensive scope and practical case studies and technical illustrations, this book can be recommended as a resource for students, teachers and practising engineers working in the area of water and wastewater treatment, and sludge treatment and disposal in particular.

    1 The Sludge, 2 Sludge Treatment, Sludge Thickening, 4 Biological Methods of Sludge Stabilization, Nonbiological Methods of Sludge Stabilization, 6 Sludge Stabilization at Small Works, 7 Methods of Sludge Conditioning, 8 Sludge Dewatering, 9 Sludge Disinfection and heat Drying Processes, 10 Thermal Reduction and Disposal of Sludge, 11 Sludge Disposal ptions, Problems and Solutions.


    B.R. Gurjar (Author)