1st Edition

Humic Substances of Soils and General Theory of Humification

By D.S. Orlov Copyright 1995

    This work contains results of the latest studies on the composition, structure and properties of humic substances, which are the largest and most important component of organic matter of different types of soils. It should be useful for soil scientists and nature conservationists.

    Sources of Humic Substances and Some Porblems of Nonenclature; Elemental Composition of Humic Substances; Structural Units and Functional groups of Humic Substances, Electron and Molecular Absorption Spectra of Humic Substances; Molecular Parameters of Humic Substances; Hypotheses regarding the structure and idenfication of Humic Substances; Humus Status of Soils and General theory of Humification.


    D. S. Orlov (Author) , V. S. Kothekar (Edited by) , V. S. Kothekar (Translated by)