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Learning Space Guideline

Posted on: September 6, 2022

Gregory Michael Adam Macur, the author of the book - Teaching Online for Kindergarten and Primary Teachers have shared some useful guidelines for teachers to share with their students.

How to sit and set up your equipment

The National Health Service in the UK lists a breakdown of guidelines for sitting behind a computer in a healthy way. You can make a student friendly poster out of these and share it with students and parents, encouraging them to put them up on the wall near where they have their online classes. You can also have a lesson where you teach the students about this and they create their own Perfect Posture Poster.

  1. Use an adjustable chair with back support – get a chair that has adjustable heights and have it set up so that legs are at right angles and feet are placed comfortably on the floor, this reduces strain on the back.
  2. Make sure the keyboard is at a level where the forearms can be parallel with the floor, this can reduce the chances of repetitive strain injury.
  3. Avoid crossing your legs, it can lead to postural problems.
  4. Raise your screen to eye level – this can be done by using a monitor stand and is a good way to keep your head in the right position.
  5. Keep the mouse close – rather than having to reach far out across the table and strain the shoulders. Do the same with regularly used objects (e.g. stapler).
  6. Position your screen so that there is no glare from the sun or bright lights – you can also adjust the brightness so that it is not too intense on the eyes.
  7. Take frequent breaks.

(NHS, 2019)

NHS. (2019, 07 18). How to sit at your desk correctly. Retrieved 11 2021, 30, from NHS: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-body/how-to-sit-correctly/

The author have also shared an online learning space guideline, a list of things that student can have available or to avoid having them available here.