1st Edition

Work-Family Dynamics Competing Logics of Regulation, Economy and Morals

Edited By Berit Brandth, Sigtona Halrynjo, Elin Kvande Copyright 2017
    228 Pages 7 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    Work-life integration is an increasingly hot topic in the media, social research, governments and in people’s everyday lives. This volume offers a new type of lens for understanding work-family reconciliation by studying how work-family dynamics are shaped, squeezed and developed between consistent or competing logics in different societies in Europe and the US.

    The three institutions of "state", "family" and "working life", and their under-explored primary logics of "regulation", "morality" and "economic competitiveness" are examined theoretically as well as empirically throughout the chapters, thus contributing to an understanding of the contemporary challenges within the field of work-family research that combines structure and culture. Particular attention is given to the ways in which the institutions are confronted with various moral norms of good parenthood or motherhood and ideals for family life. Likewise, the logic of policy regulation and gendered family moralities are challenged by the economic logic of working life, based on competition in favour of the most productive workers and organizations.

    Demonstrating different aspects of what is behind and between the logics of state regulation, morals and market, this innovative volume will appeal to students, teachers and researchers interested in areas such as family studies, welfare state studies, social policy studies, work life studies as well as and gender studies.


    List of figures and tables

    1. Integrating work and family: Changing institutions and competing logics
    2. Elin Kvande, Berit Brandth and Sigtona Halrynjo

      Part 1 Current challenges of work-family dynamics – institutional differences

    3. The logics of work, care and gender change in the new economy: A view from the U.S.
    4. Kathleen Gerson

    5. Managing work-life tensions in the neo-liberal UK
    6. Diane Perrons

    7. Work and family cultures: Dynamics of family change in Southern Europe
    8. Isabella Crespi and Almudena Moreno Mínguez

    9. Fathers integrating work and childcare: Reconciling the logics?
    10. Berit Brandth and Elin Kvande

      Part 2 Gendered logics and strategies of work and parenting

    11. When work meets childcare: The competing logics of mothering and gender equality
    12. Kristine Warhuus Smeby

    13. Making sense of motherhood and fatherhood: Competing moral discourses and logics of caring and work 'choices' in the UK
    14. Tina Miller

    15. Hidden rules and competing logics: Working fathers within organizations in Germany
    16. Mechtild Oechsle and Sandra Beaufaÿs


      Part 3 Competing logics intensified: Careers and elite professions

    17. Long hours and the work devotion schema: The case of executive men in the United States
    18. Mary Blair-Loy and Stacy J. Williams

    19. Nordic work-family regulations exported to a liberal context

    20. Gunnhild Foss Heggem and Elin Kvande

    21. Pregnancy as a career killer
    22. Hege Børve

    23. Exploring the career logic within the Nordic work-family model

    Sigtona Halrynjo

    List of contributors


    Berit Brandth is Professor of Sociology at the Department of Sociology and Political Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway.

    Sigtona Halrynjo (PhD Sociology) is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Social Research in Oslo, Norway.

    Elin Kvande ( Dr.polit. Sociology ) is Professor at the Department of Sociology and Political Science at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway.