1st Edition

African Ethnographic Studies of the 20th Century

Edited By Various Authors
    23800 Pages
    by Routledge

    Routledge is delighted to be re-issuing 79 volumes originally published between 1931 and 1988 in association with the International African Institute. Unavailable outside a few key libraries, many of these republished volumes were at the cutting edge of a fieldwork and ethnographic revolution in African anthropology in the decades after 1930. It involved the production of a wide body of fieldwork-based ethnographic documentation about the cultures of the different societies in Africa. Secondly, it saw a methodological turn to intense, localized investigations of cultural tradition and social change in a rapidly modernizing context. These investigations involved a more sustained and systematic, more professional and ‘scientific’ form of immersion and participant observation, than anything that had gone before. The sites of engagement were urban as well as rural; the pioneering researchers were female as well as male. No longer was the journal essay the repository of the latest research in the discipline, but rich ethnographies running into hundreds of pages.

    The volumes are supplemented with maps, which will be available to view on https://www.routledge.com/ or available as pdfs from the publishers.


    1. Edited by Pierre Alexandre French Perspectives in African Studies: a collection of translated essays https://www.routledge.com/French-Perspectives-in-African-Studies-A-Collection-of-Translated-Essays/Alexandre/p/book/9781138485068

    2. Samir Amin Modern Migrations in Western Africa

    3. Hugh Ashton The Basuto

    4. C. G. Baëta Christianity in Tropical Africa

    5. Michael Banton West African City

    6. B. Bernardi The Mugwe

    7. Edited by Daniel Biebuyck African Agrarian Systems

    8. Paul Bohannan Justice and Judgement among the Tiv

    9. E. W. Bovill Caravans of the Old Sahara

    10. R. E. Bradbury Benin Studies

    11. G. Gordon Brown and A. McD. Bruce Hutt Anthropology in Action

    12. K. A. Busia The Position of the Chief in the Modern Political system of Ashanti

    13. Ann Patricia Caplan Choice and Constraint in a Swahili Community

    14. A. W. Cardinall Tales Told in Togoland

    15. Gladwyn Murray Childs Umbundu Kinship and Character

    16. Hans Cory Sukuma Law and Custom

    17. Hans Cory and M. M. Hartnoll Customary Law of the Haya Tribe

    18. J. R. Crawford Witchcraft and Sorcery in Rhodesia

    19. Robert Delavignette Freedom and Authority in French West Africa

    20. Dora Earthy Valenge Women

    21. May M. Edel The Chiga of Western Uganda

    22. Adrian Edwards The Ovimbundu under Two Sovereignties

    23. Daryll Forde Marriage and the Family among the Yako in South-Eastern Nigeria

    24. Daryll Forde Yakö Studies

    25. Daryll Forde Efik Traders of Old Calabar

    26. Edited by Daryll Forde and P. M. Kaberry West African Kingdoms in the Nineteenth Century

    27. Meyer Fortes The Dynamics of Clanship among the Tallensi

    28. Meyer Fortes The Web of Kinship among the Tallensi

    29. Merran Fraenkel Tribe and Class in Monrovia

    30. Edited by Max Gluckman Ideas and Procedures in African Customary Law

    31. Jack Goody The Social Organisation of the Lo Wiili

    32. Jack Goody Changing social structure in Ghana

    33. Jack Goody Technology and Tradition and the State of Africa

    34. Robert F. Gray The Sonjo of Tanganyika

    35. Alan Harwood Witchcraft, Sorcery and Social Categories among the Safwa

    36. C. Edward Hopen The Pastoral Fulbe family in Gwandu

    37. P. P. Howell A Manual of Nuer Law

    38. A. H. M. Kirk-Greene Adamawa Past and Present

    39. E. Jensen Krige The Realm of a Rain Queen

    40. Hilda Kuper An African Aristocracy

    41. H. E. Lambert Kikuyu Social and Political Institutions

    42. Robin Law The Horse in West African History

    43. Rowena M. Lawson The Changing Economy of the Lower Volta 1954-67

    44. P. C. Lloyd The New Elites of Tropical Africa

    45. D. W. Malcolm Sukumaland

    46. Jacques J. Maquet The Premise of Inequality in Ruanda

    47. Claude Meillassoux The Development of Indigenous Trade and Markets in West Africa

    48. Théodore Monod Pastoralism in Tropical Africa

    49. S. F. Nadel A Black Byzantium

    50. S. F. Nadel Nupe Religion

    51. L.F. Nalder A Tribal Survey of Mongalla Province

    52. G. St. J Orde-Browne The African Labourer

    53. David Parkin Town and Country in Central and Eastern Africa

    54. B. A. Pauw Religion in a Tswana Chiefdom

    55. Arthur Phillips Survey of African Marriage and Family Life

    56. Valdo Pons Stanleyville

    57. Edited by Michael S. Sadler Arts of West Africa

    58. Lamin O. Sanneh The Jakhanke

    59. William A. Shack The Gurage

    60. M. G. Smith Government in Zazzau, 1800-1950

    61. Edited by Aidan Southall Social Change in Modern Africa

    62. Hugh A. Stayt The Bavenda

    63. Bronislaw Stefaniszyn Social and Ritual Life of the Ambo of Northern Rhodesia

    64. Bengt G. M. Sundkler Bantu Prophets in South Africa

    65. David Tait The Konkomba of Northern Ghana

    66. Richard Thurnwald Economics in Primitive Communities

    67. Hugh Tracey Chopi Musicians: their music, poetry and instruments

    68. V.W. Turner The Drums of Affliction

    69. Jan Vansina The Historian in Tropical Africa

    70. Jan Vansina The Tio Kingdom of the Middle Kongo 1880-1892

    71. Gunter Wagner The Bantu of North Kavirondo Vol 1

    72. Gunter Wagner The Bantu of North Kavirondo Vol 2

    73. A. K. H. Weinrich African Farmers in Rhodesia

    74. Diedrich Westermann The African Today

    75. Monica H. Wilson Good Company

    76. Monica H. Wilson Rituals of Kinship among the Nyakyusa

    77. Monica H. Wilson Communal Rituals of the Nyakyusa

    78. Monica H. Wilson For Men and Elders

    79. R. L. Wishlade Sectarianism in Southern Nyasaland



    Various Authors who are experts in their fields

    'The International African Institute was at the cutting edge of a fieldwork and ethnographic revolution in African anthropology after 1930. These studies, re-issued by Routledge offer access to these hidden treasures. ' Andrew Bank, University of the Western Cape