1st Edition

American Labour The Story of the American Trade Union Movement

By Ernest Davies Copyright 1943

    First Published in 1943, American Labour presents a comprehensive story of the American trade union movement. The book discusses important themes like United States versus the workers; progress of unionization; labour and the new deal; industrial unions; behaviour of John L Lewis; labour and defence; the absence of a Labour Party in America and American labour after the war. With a preface from Harold J. Laski, this book is a must-read historical document for students of labour history, labour movement, and American history.

    Preface by Harold J. Laski 1. Introduction 2. Early History 3. United States versus the Workers 4. Progress of Unionization 5. Labour and the New Deal 6. Craft versus Industrial Unions 7. Unionization of Mass Production 8. The Behavior of John L. Lewis 9. Labour and Defence and the War 10. Why There is No American Labour Party 11. Conclusion: After The War Short Bibliography


    Ernest Davies