1st Edition

Anger Its Religious and Moral Significance

By George Malcolm Stratton Copyright 1923

    First published in 1923, Anger presents some considerations of anger where it comes close to conduct and religion. It is hoped that the explanation of conscience, and of the origins of religion, and particularly of monotheism has been carried a firm step farther than hitherto, and that interest will be found in the novel grouping of the great faiths with respect to wrath. The spirit of the great religions is drawn from their sacred writings. This book will be of interest to students of philosophy and religion.

    Introduction 1. The Beginnings of Anger 2. Public Uses of Pugnacity 3. Anger in Conscience 4. The Uncreative Character of Anger 5. The Irate and Martial Religions 6. The Angry Religions 7. The Religious Anger-Supported Love 8. Man’s Anger Toward the Supernatural 9. The Anger of the Gods 10. Curse, Persecution, and War, in Religion 11. The Worship of Malign Spirits 12. Anger and the Origin of Religion 13. The Geography of Hatred 14. Jealousy as a Source of Monotheism 15. The Historic Trend in the Occident 16. Will and the Native Impulses 17. The Right Offices of Anger 18. Rules for the Fighting Mood Index


    George Malcolm Stratton