1st Edition

Anglo-Saxon History Basic Readings

Edited By David A.E. Pelteret Copyright 2000

    First published in 2000, Basic Readings in Anglo-Saxon England (BRASE) is a series of volumes that collect classic, exemplary, or ground-breaking essays in the fields of Anglo-Saxon studies generally written in the 1960s or later, or commissioned by a volume editor to fulfill the purpose of the given volume. This, the sixth volume in the series, is the first devoted to history and the first edited by a scholar outside the field of literary study. David Pelteret has collected fifteen previously published essays: the first nine of his essays present a conspectus of Anglo-Saxon history; the other seven are spread among seven "Special Approaches": Anthropology, Archaeology, Art History, Economic and Comparative History, Geography and Geology, Place-Names, and Topography and Archaeology.

    Felix Urbs Winthonia - Winchester in the age of monastic reform. Anglo-Saxon institutions and early English society. The declining reputation of Ethelred the Unready. Stamford - the development of an Anglo-Scandinavian borough. Mapping the Anglo-Saxon landscape - a land-systems approach to the study of the bounds of the estate of Plaish. Cotton Nero A. - a new look at Anglo-Saxon 'law books'.


    David A.E. Pelteret