6th Edition

Architect's Guide to Running a Job

By Ronald Green Copyright 2001

    Best practice is the concern of this book. An architect has to be an administrator as well as designer, and smooth economical administration will provide the conditions under which client relations can be constructive and good design can be acheived.

    The book is divided into 76 short sections covering the entire process, from preliminary enquiries to final fees, each with a small flow chart showing who is involved and when.

    This sixth revised edition updates the contents in line with present day practice, bearing in mind the changes in terminology, technology, environmental demands and the legislative background.

    Ronald Green and Professor Ross Jamieson who writes the foreword to this edition, are both examiners for Part Three.

    Contents: Basic concepts. Understanding architecture; Common Categories; What theories do; Preliminary enquiries; Office program; Conditions of engagement; Architect's appointment; Client's project management; Site inspection; Survey; Survey guide; Briefing process; Consultant recommendation; Engineer appointment; Quantity surveyor appointment; Services consultants; Consultant's meetings; Murals or sculpture; Statutory requirements; Statutory requirements information guide; Design proposals; Presenting proposals; Interim fees; Other consents; Adjoining owners; Party structure notices; Party structure settlement; Drawings program; Construction/production drawings; Services suppliers; Environmental services; Materials; Secludes; Technical representatives; Construction contract; Sub-trades; Practice; Sub-contract tenders; Sub-contractor nomination; Cost records; Insurance's; Liquidated and ascertained damages etc. Bibliography.


    Ronald Green, Sir Hugh Casspson