3rd Edition

Body Massage for the Beauty Therapist

By Audrey Goldberg, Lucy Mcdonald Copyright 1997
    350 Pages
    by Routledge

    The beauty therapist, increasingly called upon to administer massage, will welcome this manual. Its modern and practical approach will appeal to all who wish to improve their standard of massage.

    The physical comfort and reassurance which massage can give, especially when coupled with exercises, make it more than a sensuous luxury: rather it is a positive factor in promoting bodily wellbeing.

    The clear and detailed explanations of massage techniques in 'Body Massage for the Beauty Therapist' are supplemented by many drawings and photographs, which also serve to clarify the structure of the human body and its functioning.

    The personality and qualities of the therapist are brought into perspective and helpful advice given on the organization of the salon. Valuable sections are included on relaxation techniques, correct breathing and exercises which the client can undertake. Aromatherapy and gyratory massage are also covered.

    Foreword; Preface; History of Massage; Ethics, the beauty therapist, and the salon; Manipulations and massage technique; The physiological effects of massage; Order and method of work; Bones; Joints; Muscles; Active exercises; Breathing and relaxation; About electrical treatments; New techniques; Index


    Audrey Githa Goldberg, Lucy McDonald

    'To call the first textbook of its kind the best is an illogicality...But it must surely be a long time before we see another book on massage as instructive and easy to read as Body Massage for the Beauty Therapist.' - Hair and Beauty

    'A modern, practical approach to massage is given in this manual written exclusively for beauty therapists.' - Health and Beauty Salon's Book of the month, October 1996