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COVID-19 in Asia

About the Series

COVID-19 in Asia is an interdisciplinary series dealing with all aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic across Asia and within Asian countries.

If you would like to submit a proposal for COVID-19 in Asia please contact the Editor, Clarissa Lim, at [email protected] .

8 Series Titles

Per Page

Southeast Asia in Pre- and Post-COVID-19 Economy, Society, Mobility and Religion

Southeast Asia in Pre- and Post-COVID-19: Economy, Society, Mobility and Religion

1st Edition


By AKM Ahsan Ullah, Shirley Chin Wei Lee, Noor Hasharina Hassan
August 30, 2024

Ullah, Chin, and Hassan provide a comprehensive examination of the transformative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Southeast Asia, examining its effects on the region’s economy, social dynamics, mobility patterns and religious practices. The book examines the profound changes and challenges that ...

COVID-19 in South, West, and Southeast Asia Risk and Response in the Early Phase

COVID-19 in South, West, and Southeast Asia: Risk and Response in the Early Phase

1st Edition


Edited By Mohd Mizan Aslam, Rohan Gunaratna
August 26, 2024

Aslam and Gunaratna bring together a broad analysis of the responses of states in Asia to the threats presented by the COVID-19 pandemic in its early phase. While the impact of the pandemic has undoubtedly been disastrous, it has also taught many lessons about social, political, economic, and ...

COVID-19 and Bangladesh Inclusion, Disaggregation and Transition

COVID-19 and Bangladesh: Inclusion, Disaggregation and Transition

1st Edition

Edited By Debapriya Bhattacharya, Towfiqul Islam Khan
July 12, 2024

COVID-19 and Bangladesh analyzes the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and features the socioeconomic fallouts for disadvantaged communities in Bangladesh, their coping mechanisms, and implications for the country’s development ambitions. The contributors to the book examine the immediate impact ...

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Risks in East Asia Media, Social Reactions, and Theories

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Risks in East Asia: Media, Social Reactions, and Theories

1st Edition

Edited By Nobuto Yamamoto
May 27, 2024

Using "risk" as a conceptual lens, this book analyzes how communities across East Asia responded to the disruption unleashed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The contributors to this book look at how governments, societies, and individuals have perceived, experienced, dealt with and interpreted the ...

Indonesian and Philippine Media on China and COVID-19

Indonesian and Philippine Media on China and COVID-19

1st Edition

By Jason Hung
October 02, 2023

This book studies Indonesian and Philippine English-language printed media outlets to examine how regional public opinions of China and China-made vaccines progressed amid the coronavirus pandemic. By quantifying the presence of certain words, themes, and concepts within the qualitative, textual ...

COVID-19 and Psychology in Malaysia Psychosocial Effects, Coping, and Resilience

COVID-19 and Psychology in Malaysia: Psychosocial Effects, Coping, and Resilience

1st Edition

Edited By D. Gerard Joseph Louis, Surinderpal Kaur, Huey Fen Cheong
May 31, 2023

Part of a mini series of Focus books on COVID-19 in Malaysia, the chapters in this book addresses the psychosocial impact on the pandemic and ways in which people have learned to develop the ability to be more resilient despite the challenges of living and working during this public health crisis. ...

COVID-19, Business, and Economy in Malaysia Retrospective and Prospective Perspectives

COVID-19, Business, and Economy in Malaysia: Retrospective and Prospective Perspectives

1st Edition

Edited By Weng Marc Lim, Surinderpal Kaur, Huey Fen Cheong
May 31, 2023

Part of a mini-series of Focus books on COVID-19 in Malaysia, the chapters in this book address the pandemic’s impact on business and the economy in Malaysia. Covering a range of challenges and opportunities for business and the economy over a year-long period, starting from Malaysia’s first ...

COVID-19, Education, and Literacy in Malaysia Social Contexts of Teaching and Learning

COVID-19, Education, and Literacy in Malaysia: Social Contexts of Teaching and Learning

1st Edition

Edited By Ambigapathy Pandian, Surinderpal Kaur, Huey Fen Cheong
May 31, 2023

Part of a mini series of Focus books on COVID-19 in Malaysia, the chapters in this book address the pandemic’s impacts on education and literacy. Covering a range of teaching and learning challenges impacting learners and teachers, the contributors highlight the pervasiveness of the pandemic on ...

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