1st Edition

Caravans in Socio-Cultural Perspective Past and Present

Edited By Persis B. Clarkson, Calogero M. Santoro Copyright 2022
    276 Pages 39 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    276 Pages 39 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    Ranging across space and time, this book brings together up-to-date research on the socio-cultural phenomenon of caravans. It shows that caravans for long-distance trade in arid lands are present in both the Old and New Worlds. Alongside historical and archival records, ethnographic analyses of modern caravans provide theoretical frameworks for reconstructing aspects of ancient caravans such as behaviour, ritual and material culture. The volume reflects on the changing foci of caravan research and the future of caravans, when memories of living caravaners are fading, and the fragile and remote nature of caravan-related sites means that they are at risk. It will be relevant to scholars from anthropology, archaeology and history and others with an interest in trade, travel and nomadism.


    Persis B. Clarkson and Calogero M. Santoro

    Prologue by Anthony F. Aveni

    1. ¡Cabros Viene Barco! (Holy smokes, guys, there’s a boat!)

    Luis Briones

    2. Times of Change: Young People in the Future of Llama Caravans in Santa Catalina, Jujuy, Argentina

    Bibiana Vilá

    3. Rest Areas and Long-Distance Caravans: Ethnoarchaeological Notes from the Southern Andes

    Axel E. Nielsen

    4. Salt Routes and Barter Caravans in the Regions of Nepal and Tibetan Himalaya in an Ethnographical Perspective

    Patrice Lecoq

    5. Crisscrossing the Peruvian Central Highlands and Beyond

    Lidio M. Valdez, Katrina J. Bettchter, and J. Ernesto Valdez

    6. Reflection on the History of the Study of Transhumance, Culture Change, Trails, and Roads in the South-Central Andes

    Thomas F. Lynch

    7. Caravan Roads in the Upper Egyptian Deserts

    John Coleman Darnell

    8. Llama Caravans in Late Prehistoric Nazca

    Viviana Siveroni

    9. Camelid Caravans and Middle Horizon Exchange Networks: Insights from the Late Moche Jequetepeque Valley of Northern Peru.

    Aleksa K. Alaica, Luis Manuel González La Rosa, Luis A. Muro Ynoñán, Gwyneth Gordon, Kelly J. Knudson

    10. Donkeys, Camels, and the Logistics of Ancient Caravan Transport: Animal Performance and Archaeological Evidence from the Egyptian Sahara

    Heiko Riemer and Frank Förster

    11. Camelids As Cargo Animals By the Paracas Culture (800–200 BC) In the Palpa Valleys of Southern Peru.

    Christian Mader, Markus Reindel, and Johny Isla

    12. The Politics of Connection: Caravans and Political Development in the Southern Lake Titicaca Basin, Bolivia.

    Scott C. Smith, Maribel Pérez Arias, and Adolfo E. Pérez Arias

    13. Intersite Locations of Prehistoric Caravan Traffic in the Core of the Atacama Desert, Northern Chile

    Lautaro Núñez and Luis Briones

    14. Caravan Trails in the Highlands of Northwestern Argentina

    Alvaro Martel


    Persis B. Clarkson’s archaeological research spans the western deserts of the Americas, the tropical forests of Mesoamerica, and the boreal forests of Canada. She teaches anthropology at the University of Winnipeg in Manitoba, Canada, and is a temporary but keenly observant inhabitant of the Atacama Desert.

    Calogero M. Santoro is based at the Instituto de Alta Investigación at the Universidad de Tarapacá in Arica, Chile, where multidisciplinary research ranges through socialcultural changes and climate variability from the Pleistocene to the present in hyperarid environments.