1st Edition

Carbon Fibers Formation, Structure, and Properties

By Leighton H. Peebles Copyright 1995

    Carbon Fibers presents an up-to-date review of the progress pertaining to the formation of carbon fibers from rayon, acrylic, and pitch precursors. The book emphasizes the preparation, characterization, and properties of commercial materials. It also considers the compressive properties of carbon fibers, the lack of correlation between surface characterization and fiber-matrix interactions, and the discrepancy between surface composition as determined by XPS and the reaction of surface groups with chemical reagents. Other topics discussed include:

    1. Introduction 2. Carbon Fibers from Rayon Precursors 3. Carbon Fibers from Acrylic Precursors 4. Carbon Fibers from Mesophase Pitch Precursors 5. Carbon Fiber Fine Structure 6. Carbon Fiber Properties and Structure/Property Relationships 7. Characterization of Fiber Surfaces and Fiber-Matrix Shear Strength 8. Surface Modification and Its Effect on Fiber Surface and Matrix Interactions 9. Carbon Fiber Interactions with Nonorganic Matrices 10. List of Acronyms 11. List of Symbols


    Leighton H. Peebles