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Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability

About the Series

Since its inception in 1960 under the leadership of Sir David R. Cox, the series has established itself as a leading outlet for monographs presenting advances in statistical and applied probability research. With over 150 books published - over 100 still in print - the series has gained a reputation for outstanding quality.

The scope of the series is wide, incorporating developments in statistical methodology of relevance to a range of application areas. The monographs in the series present succinct and authoritative overviews of methodology, often with an emphasis on application through worked examples and software for their implementation. They are written so as to be accessible to graduate students, researchers and practitioners of statistics, as well as quantitative scientists from the many relevant areas of application.

Please contact us if you have an idea for a book for the series.

113 Series Titles

Per Page

Markov Models & Optimization

Markov Models & Optimization

1st Edition

By M.H.A. Davis
August 01, 1993

This book presents a radically new approach to problems of evaluating and optimizing the performance of continuous-time stochastic systems. This approach is based on the use of a family of Markov processes called Piecewise-Deterministic Processes (PDPs) as a general class of stochastic system ...

Predictive Inference

Predictive Inference

1st Edition

By Seymour Geisser
June 01, 1993

The author's research has been directed towards inference involving observables rather than parameters. In this book, he brings together his views on predictive or observable inference and its advantages over parametric inference. While the book discusses a variety of approaches to prediction ...

Nonparametric Regression and Generalized Linear Models A roughness penalty approach

Nonparametric Regression and Generalized Linear Models: A roughness penalty approach

1st Edition

By P.J. Green, Bernard. W. Silverman
May 01, 1993

In recent years, there has been a great deal of interest and activity in the general area of nonparametric smoothing in statistics. This monograph concentrates on the roughness penalty method and shows how this technique provides a unifying approach to a wide range of smoothing problems. The method...

Differential Geometry and Statistics

Differential Geometry and Statistics

1st Edition

By M.K. Murray, J.W. Rice
April 01, 1993

This book explains why geometry should enter into parametric statistics and how the theory of asymptotic expansions involves a form of higher-order differential geometry. It gives some new explanations of geometric ideas from a first principles point of view as far as geometry is concerned....

Analysis of Quantal Response Data

Analysis of Quantal Response Data

1st Edition

By Byron J.T. Morgan
September 01, 1992

This book takes the standard methods as the starting point, and then describes a wide range of relatively new approaches and procedures designed to deal with more complicated data and experiments - including much recent research in the area. Throughout mention is given to the computing ...

Inspection Errors for Attributes in Quality Control

Inspection Errors for Attributes in Quality Control

1st Edition

By Norman L. Johnson, Samuel Kotz, Xi-Zhi Wu
June 01, 1991

This book provides a comprehensive survey of the most recent methodology--both theoretical and applied--on the statistical analysis and detection of defective/"non-conforming" items in various types of inspection for attributes, when the inspection itself is subject to error....



1st Edition

By D.R. Cox, Walter Smith
June 01, 1991

This is a classic book on Queues. First published in 1961 it is clearly and concisely introduces the theory of queueing systems and is still just as relevant today. The monograph is aimed at both students and operational research workers concerned with the practical investigations of queueing, ...

Generalized Additive Models

Generalized Additive Models

1st Edition

By T.J. Hastie, R.J. Tibshirani
June 01, 1990

This book describes an array of power tools for data analysis that are based on nonparametric regression and smoothing techniques. These methods relax the linear assumption of many standard models and allow analysts to uncover structure in the data that might otherwise have been missed. While ...

Analysis of Repeated Measures

Analysis of Repeated Measures

1st Edition

By Martin J. Crowder, David J. Hand
May 01, 1990

Repeated measures data arise when the same characteristic is measured on each case or subject at several times or under several conditions. There is a multitude of techniques available for analysing such data and in the past this has led to some confusion. This book describes the whole spectrum ...

Generalized Linear Models

Generalized Linear Models

2nd Edition

By P. McCullagh, John A. Nelder
August 01, 1989

The success of the first edition of Generalized Linear Models led to the updated Second Edition, which continues to provide a definitive unified, treatment of methods for the analysis of diverse types of data. Today, it remains popular for its clarity, richness of content and direct relevance to ...

Analysis of Binary Data

Analysis of Binary Data

2nd Edition

By D.R. Cox, E. J. Snell
May 15, 1989

The first edition of this book (1970) set out a systematic basis for the analysis of binary data and in particular for the study of how the probability of 'success' depends on explanatory variables. The first edition has been widely used and the general level and style have been preserved in the ...

Analysis of Infectious Disease Data

Analysis of Infectious Disease Data

1st Edition

By N.G. Becker
May 01, 1989

The book gives an up-to-date account of various approaches availablefor the analysis of infectious disease data. Most of the methods havebeen developed only recently, and for those based on particularlymodern mathematics, details of the computation are carefullyillustrated. Interpretation is ...

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