128 Pages
    by Routledge

    134 Pages
    by Routledge

    Originally published in 1920, Children's Dreams offers a rough classification of the type of dream peculiar to children of different ages, showing the variation from year to year and the influence of the environment. Considering children's dreams according to different age brackets ranging from five to eighteen years of age, and also considering the dreams of deaf and blind children, this book understands the important part played by the unconscious in the child's normal behaviour and recognises its educational value.

    1. Contents.  2. The Nature of the Dream.  3. Dreams of Children of Five, Six, and Seven Years of Age.  4. Dreams of Children of Eight to Fourteen Years of Age.  5. Dreams of Children of Fourteen to Eighteen Years of Age.  6. Dreams of Children in Industrial Schools.  7. Dreams of Deaf and Blind Children.  8. Educational Value of the Dream.


    Charles William Kimminis