1st Edition

Co-Creative Transactional Analysis Papers, Responses, Dialogues, and Developments

By Graeme Summers, Keith Tudor Copyright 2014

    Co-creative transactional analysis is an approach to a particular branch of psychology which, as the phrase suggests, emphasises the "co-" (mutual, joint) aspect of professional relationships, whether therapeutic, educative and/or consultative - and, by implication, of personal relationships. The "co-" of co-creative acknowledges the transactional, inter-relational, mutual, joint, and co-operative, as well as partnership. Developed by the authors over some fifteen years, the co-creative approach has found a resonance not only amongst psychotherapists, but also educationalists, consultants and coaches. The book itself represents and reflects the co-creative approach in that it is based on a critical dialogue between the authors themselves about their collaborative and independent work, as well as between invited contributors and the authors.

    Introduction , Introduction , Co-creative transactional analysis , The neopsyche: the integrating Adult ego state , Response to "The neopsyche: the integrating Adult ego state", and rejoinder , Dynamic ego states: the significance of non-conscious and unconscious patterns, as well as conscious patterns , Response to “Dynamic ego states”, and rejoinder , Empathy: a co-creative perspective , Response to “Empathy: a co-creative perspective”, and rejoinder , Co-creative contributions , Response to “Co-creative contributions” , Implications, developments, and possibilities , Afterword , Afterword , Introducing co-creative transactional analysis , A co-creative "TA 101": notes on the syllabus


    Graeme Tudor Summers