1st Edition

Collaborating for Museum Innovation Technological, Cultural, and Organisational Innovation in Spanish Museums

By Chuan Li Copyright 2025
    180 Pages 14 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    This book is a fresh reflection on the study of museum innovation, with special attention paid to the enabling role of collaboration within the process. It sets out to capture the innovation dynamics of museums and explore to what extent and how collaborative arrangement can contribute to different types of innovative activities in the museum sector. The book presents a holistic review of museum innovation from multiple perspectives of, among others, economics, sociology, museology and organizational study, while adopting an interdisciplinary approach to explore and analyse the innovation process and collaboration mechanism from the viewpoint of economics and sociology. The research presented is based on three interdependent aspects: firstly, a holistic definition and taxonomy of innovation in museum organisations; secondly, qualitative and quantitative analysis of the enabling role of collaboration in technological, cultural and organizational innovation in museums; and thirdly, multiple case studies for the identification and evaluation of effective collaboration models in different types of innovation. This is a problem-oriented study, which avoids focusing on those large and super museums that have been well-documented in prior studies; instead, it concentrates on small-and medium-sized museums, which account for more than 85% of museums in the world and have become the main resources of cultural tourism and the creative economy at a regional level. Primarily written for postgraduates, researchers and academics interested in innovation study, innovation in cultural and creative sectors, and museum study, the findings may also have important implications on innovation management and policy for regional museums and public authorities.

    Preface  Chapter 1 A Walk-through Innovation in the Museum Sector  Chapter 2 Defining Museum Innovation  Chapter 3 The Taxonomy of Museum Innovation  Chapter 4 Collaboration as an enabler of innovation    Chapter 5 Mapping Collaboration and Innovation in the museum landscape  Chapter 6 Validating the impact of collaboration on museum innovation performance  Chapter 7 Collaboration Modality in the Process of Museum Innovation  Conclusion


    Chuan Li, PhD in Territorial Development, is an Assistant Professor in the Applied Economics Department and member of Research Unit in Cultural Economics and Tourism (Econcult) at the University of Valencia, Spain. His scholarly pursuits have revolved around the cultural and creative industries, with a particular emphasis on museum innovation, design-enabled innovation and cultural policy. Over the years, he has spearheaded numerous academic and industrial projects on an international scale, contributing to various European Union innovation and research projects such as Artcast4D, Designscapes, and openDOORS. Presently, he assumes the role of president at INNOPAC, a Spain-based non-profit association dedicated to research in innovation and impact. Prior to his academic pursuits, he worked as an educator, editor, and curator at the China Art Museum in Shanghai.