616 Pages
    by CRC Press

    616 Pages
    by CRC Press

    This updated edition of Collider Physics surveys the major developments in theoretical and experimental particle physics and uses numerous illustrations to show how the Standard Model explains the experimental results. Collider Physics offers an introduction to the fundamental particles and their interactions at the level of a lecture course for graduate students, with emphasis on the aspects most closely related to colliders--past, present, and future. It includes expectations for new physics associated with Higgs bosons and supersymmetry. This resourceful book shows how to make practical calculations and serves a dual purpose as a textbook and a handbook for collider physics phenomenology.

    Frontiers in Physics , Editor’s Foreword , Preface , Introduction , The Standard Electroweak Gauge Model , Lepton and Heavy Quark Decays , Basic e + e ? and ?e ? Processes , Partons and Scaling Distributions , Fragmentation , Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) , Weak Boson Production and Decay , Jets , Heavy Quark Production , Monte Carlo Simulations , Higgs Boson , A Fourth Generation , Higher Symmetries , Conventions and Feynman Rules , Phase Space , Helicity Projection Techniques


    Vernon D Barger