1st Edition

Costume A Volume for the London Olympics

By John Hughson Copyright 2013

    This volume, consisting of papers originally delivered at the Sport and Fashion symposium in 2011, celebrates the connection between sport and the clothes and fashion which are associated with certain sporting activities. Articles include a study of Olympic swimming costumes, women's sport during the inter-war period, the use of sportsmen by clothing industries for brand marketing, and the aesthetic significance of certain items of clothing, specifically the shirt worn by Maradona during the 1986 Argentina-England World Cup quarter final. For more information, visit: www.maney.co.uk/journals/cos

    Editorial (I), Editorial (2), Aquadynamics and the Athletocracy: Jennie Fletcher and the British Women's 4 x 1oo metre Freestyle Relay Team at the 1912 Stockholm Olympic Games, 'It's possible to play the game marvellously and at the same time look pretty and be perfectly fit': Sport, Women and Fashion in Inter-war Britain, The Clothing and Footwear Industries and Professional Football Clubs in England, 1950-1975, Decorative Dashes: Disrobing the Practice of Streaking, 'Hand of God', Shirt of the Man: The Materiality of Diego Maradona, Dressed for Sport: A Photographic Miscellany, Retrospective List of Articles on Sportswear Published in Costume 1968-2008


    John Hughson Editor