2nd Edition

Creative Activities for Group Therapy

By Nina W. Brown Copyright 2023
    264 Pages
    by Routledge

    264 Pages
    by Routledge

    The second edition of Creative Activities for Group Therapy focuses on evidence-based alternatives for verbal expression in group therapy, which provides group leaders with innovative inspirational tools, techniques, and intervention strategies to address dilemmas and difficult situations and help encourage members’ self-exploration and self-disclosure.

    Newly organized into three categories, the book covers group basics and fundamentals, categories for activities, and a new section on diverse settings, conditions, and applications. The first section outlines use of activities, benefits to groups, and tips for effective and safe use of creative activities. Section two covers a range of creative activities for leaders to implement, such as art therapies, movement therapies, writing therapy, and includes new activities for virtual sessions. The new section then addresses activities for diverse settings such as groups in hospitals and prisons, various medical conditions and psychological states, and inclusive applications that minimize group conflict and promote emotional expression.

    This new edition provides mental health professionals and students, including therapists, counselors, and clinical social workers, with a wide array of methods for enriching their therapy groups and tools for implementing these activities.

    1. Creative Activities in Group Therapy  2. Procedures and Process for Use of Creative Activities  3. Group Leader Facilitation Attributes and Skills  4. Art Activities: Drawing and Collage  5. Writing Activities: Essays, Lists, Journals, Poetry and Cinquains  6. Physical Movement: Dance, Physical Exercise, Performance  7.  Imagery, Mindfulness and Music  8. Stories, Memories, Photos, Visual Journals, Flats, and Books  9. Creative Activities for Some Restrictive and Virtual Settings  10. Creative Activities for Diverse Conditions  11. Applications for Fostering Group Dynamics


    Nina W. Brown is a professor and eminent scholar at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA. She received her doctorate from the College of William and Mary and is the author of over 40 published books.