1st Edition

Crime, Criminal Justice and Ethics in Outer Space International Perspectives

Edited By Yarin Eski, Jack Lampkin Copyright 2025
    352 Pages 1 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    Breaking new ground in criminology, this book reflects on the expansion of outer space endeavours, the new pathways this presents for crime, challenges to Earth-based conceptions of justice, and the ethical issues raised.

    This book is the first edited collection of chapters focused on how to prepare for, address and respond to, instances of criminal and harmful behaviour in (and related to) outer space. It also considers what criminal justice might look like in outer space, and how the important arena of ethics might help play a pivotal role in helping overcome problems related to crime and crime control. The book comprises twenty-six chapters from authors spanning six continents, giving a truly international dimension to the first anthology relating to the intersection of space criminology, space criminal justice and space ethics. It is this international dimension that is essential to the development of a holistic understanding of crime, criminal justice and ethics in outer space.

    Exploring recent topics, including the dark origin of space exploration, expansion of satellite industries, space tourism, asteroid mining, and human-settlement on the Moon and Mars, the book will appeal to space professionals, and students and researchers working in criminology, critical security studies, law, and ethics.

    Introduction – Exploring the Final Frontier of Criminology, Criminal Justice and Ethics Scholars Together in Outer Space

    Yarin Eski & Jack Lampkin

    1. Scientific Crimes Against Humanity for all Humankind: Accounting for the Space Legacy of Aryan Criminology and Nazi Aerospace Science

    Yarin Eski

    2. What on Earth is Happening in Outer Space? Questioning the Space Oligarchy

    Rob White

    3. Imagining Space Crime: Using Virtual Reality to Advance our Understanding of Space Crime

    Iris van Sintemaartensdijk

    4. Resource Exploitation in Outer Space: The Potential of Crime Scripting as a Prevention Tool for Environmental Space Crime

    Emilia Ziosi

    5. Cynical Actors in the Age of Transparency: Illegal Warfare and State Propaganda in a Glass House

    Bruno Reynaud de Sousa

    6. A Space Brutality: Satellite-Enabled Perpetration of Mass Image-Based Sexual Violence

    Valérie Pijlman

    7. Space Victimology: Out of the Dark and into the Light

    Jack Lampkin

    8. Connecting the Analogue Dots: Insights into the Future of Space Crime, Criminal Justice, and Ethics Now

    Rebecca Kaiser

    9. “If there was an observer on Mars, they would probably be amazed that we have survived this long:” Environmental Decline, Elite Escapes, and Space Colonies

    Anita Lam, Nigel South & Avi Brisman

    10. Harnessing Science Fiction to Reimagine Criminal Justice in Space: Opportunities and Risks

    Erika Nesvold

    11. Defining Space Debris Policy: A Perspective from Rawls’ Veil of Ignorance

    Sabine Winters

    12. Atmospheric Justice: Visualizing Atmospheric Harm by the Global Space Exploration Industry using Treadmill of Production Theory

    Jack Lampkin & José Luis Carpio-Domínguez

    13. ‘Spaceport of Call’: Developing a Geopolitical-Criminological Perspective on Spaceport Crime and Policing

    Sarah Poss, Yarin Eski & Jack Lampkin

    14. Towards International Criminalization for Orbital Debris Pollution

    Eman Aboelkhair

    15. The Legal Framework for Policing Outer Space

    Giulio Calcara & Mika Launiala

    16. Extraterritorial Criminal Jurisdiction in International Law and Environmental Space Crime

    Alla Pozdnakova

    17. Countering Sexual Harassment and Assault in Outer Space: Contributions from a Criminological Perspective

    Kerry Clamp

    18. Punishment for Offending in Space: The Ethics of Incarceration

    Victoria Nagy

    19. The Problem with the Placement of Space Infrastructures: The Complex Politics of Paving the Way to Space

    Karlijn Korpershoek

    20. The Borderlands between Law and Ethics: Jurisdiction, Enforcement, and Teleology

    Brian Patrick Green

    21. The Ethics of Outer Space Intelligence Operations

    Benjamin Segobaetso

    22. Respect for the Non-Living in Early-Stage Space Expansion

    Chelsea Haramia

    Conclusion A New Hope? The Future of Researching Space Crime, Criminal Justice and Ethics

    Yarin Eski & Jack Lampkin


    Yarin Eski is an Associate Professor in Public Administration, doing research on and at the intersection of criminology, governance and policing. He is co-director of the Resilience, Security and Civil Unrest (ReSCU) R&I Lab at the Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam. His research focuses on maritime crime and policing, as well as arms dealing, genocide and space crime (control).

    Jack Lampkin is a Lecturer in Criminology at York St John University, UK. He is a green criminologist and completed his PhD in 2018 at the University of Lincoln’s Law School (UK) where he studied the environmental and social impacts of unconventional hydraulic fracturing for shale gas production purposes. Jack is interested in all things relating to human interactions with outer space and the impact this has on both terrestrial and extra-terrestrial environs.

    "This rich and diverse collection of essays takes the notion of research imagination to a new level. It challenges us to think about matters of crime, deviance and criminal justice in frames that they have so far rarely been thought within. It makes for a unique and fascinating read."

    Katja Franko, Professor of Criminology, University of Oslo

    "Criminology is a boundless discipline but this was never as obvious as it has become with this book that shoots criminologists and their critical thinking to outer space. This new edited book by Yarin Eski and Jack Lampkin is a mesmerising journey into the future of the discipline. Perceptions of harms and identification of crimes in outer space, and also ethical conundrums, will accompany the creative social scientists of today and tomorrow."

    Anna Sergi, Professor of Criminology, University of Essex

    "Interdisciplinary scholarship in crime, criminal justice, and ethics in outer space have become more and more important along with space exploration. The new excellent book edited by Yarin Eski and Jack Lampkin delves into unknown/strange diversities, complexities, and entanglements. An indispensable guiding star for a new Space Criminology Odyssey 2024."

    Noriyoshi Takemura, Emeritus Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology, Toin University of Yokohama, Japan

    "This book is a groundbreaking achievement, a first and a must read/ride. A truly global accomplishment, contributions hailing from six continents set out the terrain of the study of space crime, criminal justice and ethics, sitting within, yet considerably and tantalisingly extending, the boundaries of criminology."

    Steve Tombs, Emeritus Professor, Department of Social Policy and Criminology, The Open University