1st Edition

Cruel Habitations A History of Working-Class Housing, 1780–1918

By Enid Gauldie Copyright 1974

    Cruel Habitations (1974) looks at the pre-industrial background in which housing problems are rooted, with the decay of towns and the unsuccessful attempts to better their condition by public health reforms, by charitable agencies and by building societies – and with legislative action in Parliament towards housing reform.

    Part 1. Housing in Pre-Industrial and Rural Society  1. A Bitter Cry from Rural Britain  2. ‘Pigs and Children’: Economic Causes of the Housing Conditions of the Rural Poor  3. Results in Housing: Design and Standard of the Homes of the Agricultural Workers  4. Housing of the Industrial Poor in Rural Areas  Part 2. Housing and Public Health  5. Town Decay  6. Overcrowding  7. Standards of Comfort  8. Publicity for Squalor  9. A Sense of Property  10. Reasons for the Non-Use of Existing Powers  11. The Public Health Campaign  Part 3. Housing and Poverty  12. The Recognition of Poverty  13. Rents  14. Building Costs  15. Investment in House-Building  Part 4. Private Enterprise Housing: Whose Responsibility?  16. Employer Housing and Company Towns  17. Building Societies  18. Freehold Land Societies  19. The Philanthropic Housing Associations I: Octavia Hill and the Lady Collectors  20. The Philanthropic Housing Associations II: The Model Dwellings Associations  Part 5. Legislation on Housing and the Assumption of Public Responsibility for the Housing of the Poor  21. The Lodging Houses Acts  22. Establishing Principles  23. The Torrens and Cross Acts  24. The Royal Commission  25. Towards Compulsory Powers


    Enid Gauldie