1st Edition

Differential Equations And Control Theory

Edited By Sergiu Aizicovici, Nicolae H. Pavel Copyright 2002

    Provides comprehensive coverage of the most recent developments in the theory of non-Archimedean pseudo-differential equations and its application to stochastics and mathematical physics--offering current methods of construction for stochastic processes in the field of p-adic numbers and related structures. Develops a new theory for parabolic equations over non-Archimedean fields in relation to Markov processes.

    Existence and uniqueness of solutions to a second order nonlinear nonlocal hyperbolic equation; fully nonlinear programming problems with closed range operators; internal stabilization of the diffusion equation; flow-invariant sets with respect to Navier-Stokes equation; numerical approximation of the Ricatti equation via fractional steps method; asymptotic analysis of the telegraph system with nonlinear boundary conditions; global existence for a class of dispersive equations; viable domains for differential equations governed by caratheodory perturbations of nonlinear m-accretive operators; almost periodic solutions to neural functional equations; the one-dimensional wave equation with Wentzell boundary conditions; on the longterm behaviour of a parabolic phase-field model with memory; on the Kato classes of distributions and BMO-classes; the global solution set for a class of semilinear problems; optimal control and algebraic Ricatti equations under singular estimates for eAtB in the absence of analyticity; the stable case; solving identification problems for the wave equation by optimal control methods; singular perturbations and approximations for integrodifferential equations; remarks on impulse control problems for the stochastic Navier-Stokes equations; recent progress on the Lavrentiev phenomenon, with applications; abstract eigenvalue problem for monotone operators and applications to differential operators; implied volatility for American options via optimal control and fast numerical solutions of obstacle problems; first order necessary conditions of optimality for semilinear optimal control problems; Lyapunov equation and the stability of nonautonomous evolution equations in Hilbert spaces; least action for N-body problems with quasihomogeneous potentials.


    Sergiu Aizicovici (Ohio University) (Edited by) , Nicolae H. Pavel (Ohio University, Athens, USA) (Edited by)