2512 Pages
    by Routledge

    Economic geography has long been a key branch of human geography as a whole, but in recent years the subject has undergone considerable theoretical, empirical and public growth. It has become a highly vibrant sphere of academic enquiry amongst the social sciences, and an increasingly prominent arena of political discourse and policy action.

    Reflecting this, Economic Geography: Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences is a comprehensive five-volume set covering the following key areas:

    • the evolving project of economic geography
    • realms of wealth creation in a globalizing economy
    • changing worlds of work and welfare
    • the cultural economy
    • regulating the economic landscape.

    With a new introduction by the editors, this fascinating collection captures the essential elements involved in the intellectual development of the field, making it an indispensable resource for both student and scholar alike.


    Part 1: Introduction

    1. R. L. Martin and P. J. Sunley, ‘The Renaissance of Economic Geography’ (new Introduction for this collection).

    2. A. J. Scott (1999) ‘Economic Geography: The Great Half Century’, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 24, pp. 483–504.

    Part 2: The Shifting Terrain of Method and Explanation

    3. A. Sayer (1982) ‘Explanation in Economic Geography: Abstraction versus Generalization’, Progress in Human Geography, 6, pp. 68–88.

    4. G. L. Clark (1998) ‘Close Dialogue and Stylized Facts: Methodology in Economic Geography’, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 88, pp. 73–87.

    5. A. Markusen (1999) ‘Fuzzy Concepts, Scanty Evidence and Policy Distance: The Case for Rigour and Policy Relevance in Critical Regional Studies’, Regional Studies, 33, pp 869–86.

    6. T. J. Barnes (2000) ‘Retheorizing Economic Geography: From the Quantitative Revolution to the "Cultural Turn"‘, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 91, pp. 546–65.

    7. H. W.-C. Yeung (2003) ‘Practising New Economic Geographies: A Methodological Examination’, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 93, pp. 445–66.

    Part 3: Economics and Economic Geography

    8. P. Krugman (1998) ‘What’s New about the New Economic Geography?’, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 14, 2, pp. 7–17.

    9. G. Dymski (1998) ‘On Paul Krugman’s Model of Economic Geography’, Geoforum, 27, pp. 439–52.

    10. R. L. Martin (1999) ‘The New "Geographical Turn" in Economics: Some Critical Reflections’, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 23, pp. 65–91.

    11. O. Sjöberg and F. Sjöholm (2002) ‘Common Ground? Prospects for Integrating the Economic Geography of Geographers and Economists’, Environment and Planning, A, 34, pp. 467–86.

    12. R. A. Boschma and J. G. Lambooy (1999), ‘Evolutionary Economics and Economic Geography’, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 9, 4, pp. 411–29.

    Part 4: Contextual and Relational Economic Geography

    13. N. J. Thrift and K. Olds (1996) ‘Refiguring The Economic in Economic Geography’, Progress in Human Geography, 20, pp. 311–37.

    14. P. J. Sunley (1996) ‘Context In Economic Geography: The Relevance of Pragmatism’, Progress in Human Geography, 20, pp. 338–55.

    15. J. Allen (1997) ‘Economics of Power and Space’, in R. Lee and J. Wills (eds.), Geographies of Economies (London: Arnold), pp. 59–70.

    16. R. L. Martin (2001) ‘Institutionalist Approaches to Economic Geography’, in T. Barnes and E. Sheppard (eds.), A Companion to Economic Geography (Oxford: Blackwell), pp. 77–94.

    17. H. Bathelt and J. Glückler (2003) ‘Toward a Relational Economic Geography’, Journal of Economic Geography, 3, 2, pp. 117–44.


    Part 5: Introduction

    18. R. L. Martin and P. J. Sunley, ‘The Resurgence of Regions in a Globalizing Economy’ (new Introduction for this collection).

    19. A. J. Scott and M. Storper (2003) ‘Regions, Globalization, Development’, Regional Studies (37): 579–93.

    Part 6: Rethinking Uneven Regional Development in A Globalizing World

    20. N. Smith (1984) ‘Toward a Theory of Uneven Development: Spatial Scale and the See-Saw of Capital’, Uneven Development: Nature, Capital and the Production of Space (Oxford: Blackwell), pp. 131–54.

    21. D. Harvey (1985) ‘The Geopolitics of Capitalism’, in D. Gregory and J. Urry (eds.), Social Relations and Spatial Structures (London: Macmillan), pp. 128–63.

    22. M. Storper (1995) ‘The Resurgence of Regional Economies Ten Years On: The Region as a Nexus of Untraded Interdependencies’, European Urban and Regional Studies, 2, pp. 191–221.

    23. M. Dunford (2003) ‘Theorizing Regional Economic Performance and the Changing Territorial Division of Labour’, Regional Studies, 37, pp. 839–54.

    24. M. Storper (1997) ‘Territories, Flows and Hierarchies in the Global Economy’, in K. R. Cox (ed.), Spaces of Globalization: Reasserting the Power of the Local (New York: Guilford), pp. 19–44.

    25. P. Dicken, P. Kelly, C. Olds, and H. W.-C. Yeung (2001) ‘Chains and Networks, Territories and Scales: Towards a Relational Framework for Analysing the Global Economy’, Global Networks, 1, 2, pp. 80–112.

    Part 7: New Spaces of Flexible Accumulation

    26. D. Harvey (1989) ‘Theorizing the Transition … Flexible Accumulation: Solid Transformation or Temporary Fix?’, The Condition of Postmodernity (Oxford: Blackwell), pp. 173–97.

    27. B. Asheim (1992) ‘Flexible Specialisation, Industrial Districts and Small Firms: A Critical Appraisal’, in H. Ernste and V. Meier (eds.), Regional Development and Contemporary Industrial Response: Extending Flexible Specialisation (London: Belhaven Press), pp. 45–63.

    28. M. Gertler (1992) ‘Flexibility Revisited; Districts, Nation-States and the Forces of Production’, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, ns, 17, pp. 259–78.

    29. K. Cox (1996) ‘Period and Place, Capitalist Development and the Flexible Specialisation Debate’, in D. Knudsen (ed.), The Transition to Flexibility (London: Kluwer Academic Publishers), pp. 155–77.

    Part 8: The (Re)localization of Economic Activity: Districts and Clusters

    30. B. Harrison (1992) ‘Industrial Districts: Old Wine in New Bottles?’, Regional Studies, 26, pp. 469–83.

    31. A. Amin and N. J. Thrift (1992) ‘Neo-Marshallian Nodes in Global Networks’, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 16, pp. 571–87.

    32. A. Markusen (1996) ‘Sticky Places in Slippery Space: A Typology of Industrial Districts’, Economic Geography, 72, pp. 293–313.

    33. M. E. Porter (2000) ‘Location, Competition and Economic Development: Local Clusters in the Global Economy’, Economic Development Quarterly, 14, pp. 15–31.

    34. R. L. Martin and P. Sunley (2003) ‘Deconstructing Clusters: Chaotic Concept or Policy Panacea?’, Journal of Economic Geography, 3, pp. 5–35.

    Part 9: Knowledge and Innovative Places

    35. K. Morgan (1997) ‘The Learning Region: Institutions, Innovation and Regional Renewal’, Regional Studies, 31, pp. 491–503.

    36. J. Howells (2002) ‘Tacit Knowledge, Innovation and Economic Geography’, Urban Studies, 39, pp. 871–84.

    37. P. Cooke (2001) ‘Regional Innovation Systems, Clusters, and the Knowledge Economy’, Industrial and Corporate Change, 10, pp. 945–74.

    38. R. Florida (2002) ‘The Creative Economy’, Rise of the Creative Class (New York: Basic Books), pp. 44–66.


    Part 10: Introduction

    39. R. L. Martin and P. J. Sunley, ‘The Changing Landscape of Workplaces and Work’ (new Introduction for this collection).

    40. J. Allen (1988) ‘Fragmented Firms, Disorganised Workers’, in J. Allen and D. Massey (eds.), The Economy in Question (London: Sage), pp. 184–227.

    Part 11: The Firm and Economic Geography

    41. P. Maskell (2001) ‘The Firm in Economic Geography’, Economic Geography, 77, pp. 329–44.

    42. G. L.Clark and N. Wrigley (1995) ‘Sunk Costs: A Framework for Economic Geography’, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 20, pp. 204–23.

    43. P. Oinas (1997) ‘On the Socio-Spatial Embeddedness of Business Firms’, Erdkunde, 51, pp. 23–32.

    44. P. McCann and R. Mudambi (2005) ‘Analytical Differences in the Economics of Geography: The Case of the Multinational Firm’, Environment and Planning, A, 37, 1857–76.

    45. J. Pollard (2003) ‘Small Firm Finance and Economic Geography’, Journal of Economic Geography, 4, pp. 429–52.

    Part 12: Shifting Perspectives on the Geographies of Labour

    46. M. Storper and R. Walker (1983) ‘The Theory of Labour and the Theory of Location’, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 7, pp. 1–41.

    47. J. Peck (1989) ‘Reconceptualising the Local Labour Market: Space, Segmentation and the State’, Progress in Human Geography, 13, pp. 42–61.

    48. S. Hanson and G. Pratt (1992) ‘Dynamic Interdependencies: A Geographic Investigation of Local Labour Markets’, Economic Geography, 68, pp. 373–405.

    49. A. Herod (1997) ‘From a Geography of Labour to a Labour Geography: Labour’s Spatial Fix and the Geography of Capitalism’, Antipode, 29, pp. 1–31.

    50. R. L. Martin (2001) ‘Local Labour Markets: Their Nature, Performance, and Regulation’, in G. Clark, M. Feldman, and M Gertler (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 455–76.

    Part 13: The (Re)organization of Work

    51. M. Storper and A. J. Scott (1990) ‘Work Organisation and Local Labour Markets in an Era of Flexible Production’, International Labour Review, 129, pp. 573–91.

    52. A. Jonas (1996) ‘Local Labour Control Regimes: Uneven Development and the Social Regulation of Production’, Regional Studies, 30, pp. 319–22.

    53. J. Allen and N. Henry (1997) ‘Ulrich Beck’s Risk Society at Work: Labour and Employment in the Contract Services Industries’, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 22, pp. 182–96.

    54. C. Benner (2002) ‘Understanding Flexibility’, Work in the New Economy: Flexible Labour Markets in Silicon Valley (Oxford: Blackwell), pp. 13–36.

    55. L. McDowell (1997) ‘Thinking Through Work: Gender, Power and Space’, Capital Culture: Gender at Work in the City (Oxford: Blackwell), pp. 11–42.

    56. A. Herod (2001) ‘Labour Unions and Economic Geography’, in E. Sheppard and T. Barnes (eds.), A Companion to Economic Geography (Oxford: Blackwell), pp. 341–58.


    Part 14: Introduction

    57. A. James, R. Martin, and P. J. Sunley, ‘The Rise of Cultural Economic Geography’ (new Introduction for this collection).

    58. A. Warde (2002) ‘Production, Consumption and the "Cultural Economy"’, in P. du Gay and A. Sayer (eds.), Cultural Economy (London: Sage), pp. 185–200.

    Part 15: Culture and Capitalism

    59. A. Appadurai (1990) ‘Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy’, in M. Featherstone (ed.), Global Culture: Nationalism, Globalization and Modernity (London: Sage), pp. 295–310.

    60. A. Sayer (1997) ‘The Dialectic of Culture and Economy’, in R. Lee and J. Wills (eds.), Geographies of Economies (London: Arnold), pp. 16–26.

    61. N. Thrift (1999) ‘Capitalism’s Cultural Turn’, in L. Ray and A. Sayer (eds.), Culture and Economy after the Cultural Turn (London: Sage), pp. 135–61.

    62. S. Zukin (1991) ‘Market, Place and Landscape’, Landscapes of Power: From Detroit to Disneyland (Berkeley: University of California Press), pp. 253–75.

    Part 16: Culture and Local Economic Practice

    63. A. Saxenian (1994) ‘Introduction: Local Industrial Systems’, Regional Advantage: Culture and Competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press), pp. 1–10.

    64. M. Gertler (1995) ‘"Being There": Proximity, Organization and Culture in the Development and Adoption of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies’, Economic Geography, 7, pp. 1–26.

    65. A. James (2005) ‘Demystifying the Role of Culture in Innovative Regional Economies’, Regional Studies, 39, 9, pp. 1197–216.

    66. P. Jackson (1993) ‘Towards a Cultural Politics of Consumption’, in J. Bird, B. Curtis, T. Putnam, G. Robertson, and L. Tickner (eds.), Mapping the Futures: Local Cultures, Global Change (London: Routledge), pp. 207–28.

    67. M. Lowe and N. Wrigley (1996) ‘Towards the New Retail Geography’, Retailing, Consumption and Capital: Towards the New Retail Geography (Harlow: Longman), pp. 3–30.

    Part 17: Networks and Cultures

    68. N. Thrift (1999) ‘On the Social and Cultural Determinants of International Financial Centres’, in S. Corbridge, N. J. Thrift and R. L. Martin (eds.), Money, Power and Space (Oxford: Blackwell), pp. 327–55.

    69. A. Leyshon and J. Pollard (2000) ‘Geographies of Industrial Convergence: The Case of Retail Banking’, Transactions of Institute of British Geographers, ns 25, pp. 203–20.

    70. R. Smith (2003) ‘World City Actor-Networks’, Progress in Human Geography, 27, 1, pp. 25–44.

    71. E. Leamer and M. Storper (2001) ‘The Economic Geography of the Internet Age’, Journal of International Business Studies, 32, 4, 641–65.

    72. N. Coe and T. Bunnell (2003) ‘"Spatializing" Knowledge Communities: Towards a Conceptualisation of Transnational Innovation Networks’, Global Networks, 3, 4, pp. 437–56.

    Part 18: The New Cultural Economy

    73. R. Florida (2002) ‘The Creative Ethos’, The Rise of the Creative Class (New York: Basic Books), pp. 21–43.

    74. A. Scott (2000) ‘Capitalism, Cities and the Production of Symbolic Forms’, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 26, pp. 11–23.

    75. A. C. Pratt (2000) ‘New Media, the New Economy and New Spaces’, Geoforum, 31, pp. 425–36.

    76. G. Grabher (2001) ‘Ecologies of Creativity: The Village, the Group, and the Heterarchic Organisation of the British Advertising Industry’, Environment and Planning, A 33, pp. 351–74.


    Part 19: Introduction

    77. R. L. Martin and P. J. Sunley (new Introduction for this collection).

    78. J. Painter (2000) ‘State and Governance’, in E. Sheppard and T. J. Barnes (eds.), A Companion to Economic Geography (Oxford: Blackwell), pp. 359–76.

    Part 20: Conceptualizing State-Economy Relations

    79. G. L. Clark (1992) ‘Real Regulation: The Administrative State’, Environment and Planning, A, 24, pp. 615–27.

    80. P. Hirst and G. Thompson (1995) ‘Globalisation and the Future of the Nation State’, Economy and Society, 24, pp. 408–42.

    81. B. Jessop (1994) ‘Post-Fordism and the State’, in A. Amin (ed.), Post-Fordism: A Reader (Oxford: Blackwell), 251–79.

    82. A. Tickell and J. Peck (1995) ‘Social Regulation after Fordism: Regulation Theory, Neo-Liberalism and the Global-Local Nexus’, Economy and Society, 24, pp. 357–86.

    83. B. Jessop (2000) ‘The Crisis of the National Spatio-Temporal Fix and the Tendential Ecological Dominance of Globalizing Capitalism’, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 24, pp. 323–60.

    84. J. Peck and A. Tickell (2002) ‘Neoliberalising Space’, Antipode, 34, pp. 380–404.

    85. C. Haylett (2001) ‘Modernization, Welfare and "Third-Way" Politics: Limits to Theorizing in "Thirds"?’, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 26, 1, pp. 43–56.

    Part 21: Geographies of Socio-Economic Regulation

    86. D. Harvey (1989) ‘From Managerialism to Entrepreneurialism: The Transformation of Urban Governance in Late Capitalism’, Geografiska Annaler, 71, B, pp. 3–17.

    87. R. Martin and P. Sunley (1997) ‘The post-Keynesian State and the Space Economy’, in R. Lee and J. Wills (eds.), Geographies of Economies (London: Arnold), pp. 290–301.

    88. E. Swyngedouw (1997) ‘Neither Global nor Local: "Glocalization" and the Politics of Scale’, in K. Kopx (ed.), Spaces of Globalization: Reasserting the Politics of Scale (London: Guilford Press), pp. 137–66.

    89. N. Brenner (2003) ‘Globalization as a State Spatial Strategy: Urban Entrepreneurialism and the New Politics of Uneven Development in Western Europe’, in J. Peck and H. Yeung (eds.), Remaking the Global Economy: Economic-Geographical Perspectives (London: Sage), pp. 197–215.

    90. J. Peck (1998) ‘Workfare: A Geopolitical Etymology’, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 16, pp. 131–61.

    91. A. Amin (2004) ‘Regulating Economic Globalization’, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 29, 2, pp. 217–33.

    Part 22: The Rise of Local and Regional Economic Governance

    92. M. Goodwin and J. Painter (1996) ‘Local Governance, the Crises of Fordism and the Changing Geographies of Regulation’, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 21, 4, pp. 635–48.

    93. A. Glasmeier (2001) ‘Economic Geography in Practice: Local Economic Development Policy’, in G. L. Clark, M. Feldman, and M. Gertler (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 558–79.

    94. A. Rodriguez-Pose and N. Gill (2003) ‘The Global Trend Towards Devolution and its Implications’, Environment and Planning, C, 21, pp. 333–51.

    95. M. Keating (2001) ‘Governing Cities and Regions: Territorial Restructuring in a Global Age’, in A. J. Scott (ed.), Global City-Regions: Trends, Theory, Policy (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 371–90.

    96. K. Cox (2004) ‘Globalisation and the Politics of Local and Regional Development’, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 29, pp. 179–94.

    97. A. Cumbers, D. Mackinnon and R. McMaster (2003) ‘Institutions, Power and Space: Assessing the Limits to Institutionalism in Economic Geography’, European Urban and Regional Studies, 10, 4, pp. 325–42.