Jonathan Edwards is generally acknowledged as one of the foremost American philosophers. Edwards on God offers a historically informed philosophical analysis of his arguments for the existence and nature of God.

    The book begins with a characterization of Edwards’s intellectual profile and philosophical theology. It then explicates and evaluates his arguments from the beginning of existence, design, ‘being in general’, virtue as benevolence, and his account of natural and moral divine attributes. There is no other such treatment of Edwards’s metaphysics of divinity.

    This volume will be primarily relevant to philosophers, historians and theologians.


    1 Philosophical Theologian

    2 Whatsoever begins to exist must have a cause

    3 Whatever is orderly is designed

    4 Nothing but Being

    5 Divine Virtue

    6 Two Kinds of Attributes



    Sebastian Rehnman is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Stavanger, Norway, and member of the research group Life Phenomena and Life Qualities at the Faculty of Health Sciences. He is a certified philosophical counsellor in the Norwegian and Swedish societies of philosophical practice.