232 Pages
    by Routledge

    264 Pages
    by Routledge

    Of all aspects of Roman culture, the gladiatorial contests for which the Romans built their amphitheatres are at once the most fascinating and the most difficult for us to come to terms with. They have been seen variously as sacrifices to the gods or, at funerals, to the souls of the deceased; as a mechanism for introducing young Romans to the horrors of fighting; and as a direct substitute for warfare after the imposition of peace.
    In this original and authoritative study, Thomas Wiedemann argues that gladiators were part of the mythical struggle of order and civilisation against the forces of nature, barbarism and law breaking, representing the possibility of a return to new life from the point of death; that Christian Romans rejected gladiatorial games not on humanitarian grounds, but because they were a rival representation of a possible resurrection.

    Introduction List of Illustrations Dates Abbreviations 1. Gladiators and Roman Identity 2. The Context 3. The Gladiators: Background and Status 4. Opposition and Abolition? 5. Conclusion: Imperial Sovereignty and Popular Sovereignty Bibliography Glossary


    Thomas Wiedemann

    `... the best book in English on the subject. It is interesting, thoughtful and well-informed' - Journal of Roman Studies