1st Edition

Engaging the Eye Generation Visual Literacy Strategies for the K-5 Classroom

By Johanna Riddle Copyright 2009

    Literacy in the twenty-first century means more than just reading and writing. Today's students must learn how to interpret and communicate information through a variety of digital and print-based media formats, using imagery, online applications, audio, video, and traditional texts.

    Introduction; Chapter One: Developing Intelligent Vision; Chapter Two: Learning by Leaps and Layers; Chapter three: Reshowing and Retelling Stories; Chapter Four: Research: The Fourth R; Chapter Five: Research Revealed: The Production Stage; Epilogue


    Johanna Riddle has shown teachers around the world how to integrate multimodal literacies in the classroom. During her twenty-five years in education, she has been a classroom teacher, an art teacher, an arts administrator, and a media specialist. Johanna is also a contributing columnist to Multimedia & Internet @ Schools, a nationally certified teacher, and an Adobe Education Leader. A Fulbright Scholar, Johanna received the Smithsonian Learning Innovation Award and has been recognized as one of Florida’s Art Educators of the Year.