1712 Pages
    by Routledge

    Edited by two leading scholars in the field, this is the first title in a new Routledge Major Works series, Critical Concepts in Tourism. It is a four-volume collection of canonical and cutting-edge research in event tourism.

    The origins of event tourism as a topic of serious academic interest are comparatively recent. The subject is largely a postwar development which began especially to unfold in the 1970s, not least in response to a growing interest and recognition of the potential value of events to economies, societies, and their cultures, as well as to environmental regeneration. In part, the continued evolution of the subject has arisen from the development of convention and exhibition management as cognate areas but, through time, policy-makers, planners, and destination managers became aware of the potentially significant and wide role of events in specific localities, ranging in scale from the Olympic Games to community festivals.

    Event tourism is now a vibrant and dynamic field of study and research, and the sheer scale of the growth in its output makes this Routledge collection especially timely. A wide range of social-science journals have published material about event tourism and this new Major Work makes available foundational pieces of scholarship—as well as cutting-edge research—from these disparate, and sometimes less accessible sources, as well as from the leading UK, European, and North American tourism journals, and from other hard-to-find publications.

    As well as bringing together the key studies and journal articles that have shaped serious thought about event tourism, the collection will be welcomed as the first mapping of an area that to date has lacked an interdisciplinary synthesis. The thematic organization of the collection, together with the editors’ introductions and their commentaries on the collected texts, will make sense of the wide range of approaches, theories, and concepts that have informed event tourism, and will review the history of the subject and the rise of its identity and research agenda. It is an essential collection destined to be valued as a vital research resource by all scholars and students of the subject.


    VOLUME I: The Evolution of Event Tourism: Concepts and Approaches

    Part 1: Defining Event Tourism

    1. D. Getz, ‘Event Tourism: Definition, Evolution, and Research’, Tourism Management, 2008, 29, 403–28.

    2. D. Getz, ‘Special Events: Defining the Product’, Tourism Management, 1989, 10, 2, 125–37.

    3. H. J. Gibson, ‘Sport Tourism: A Critical Analysis of Research’, Sport Management Review, 1998, 1, 45–76.

    Part 2: Historical Studies on Event Tourism

    4. J. R. Gold and M. M. Gold, ‘The Place of Spectacle’, Cities of Culture: Staging International Festivals and the Urban Agenda, 1851–2000 (Ashgate Publishing, 2005), pp. 23–48.

    5. A. S.-K. Pang, ‘The Social Event of the Season: Solar Eclipse Expeditions and Victorian Culture’, Isis, 1993, 84, 2, 252–77.

    6. A. Allix, ‘The Geography of Fairs: Illustrated by Old-World Examples’, Geographical Review, 1922, 12, 4, 532–69.

    7. D. Philips, ‘Stately Pleasure Domes—Nationhood, Monarchy and Industry: The Celebration Exhibition in Britain’, Leisure Studies, 2004, 23, 2, 95–108.

    8. J. A. Rodriguez, ‘Planning and Rivalry in the San Francisco Bay Area in the 1930s’, Journal of Planning Education and Research, 2000, 20, 1, 66–76.

    9. W. Zelinsky, ‘Conventionland USA: The Geography of a Latterday Phenomenon’, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 1994, 84, 1, 68–86.

    10. R. Holden, ‘British Garden Festivals: The First Eight Years’, Landscape and Urban Planning, 1989, 18, 1, 17–35.

    Part 3: Approaches to Understanding Event Tourism

    11. T. F. Sofield and F. M. S. Li, ‘Historical Methodology and Sustainability: An 800-Year-Old Festival from China’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 1998, 6, 4, 267–92.

    12. Z. U. Ahmed, ‘Islamic Pilgrimage (Hajj) to Ka’aba in Makkah (Saudi Arabia): An Important International Tourism Activity’, Journal of Tourism Studies, 1992, 3, 1, 35–43

    13. M. Roche, ‘Mega-Events and Micro-Modernization: On the Sociology of the New Urban Tourism’, British Journal of Sociology, 1992, 43, 4, 563–600.

    14. J. Horne, ‘The Four "Knowns" of Sports Mega-Events’, Leisure Studies, 2007, 26, 1, 81–96.

    15. J. Higham and T. Hinch, ‘Sport and Tourism Research: A Geographic Approach’, Journal of Sport and Tourism, 2006, 11, 1, 31–49.

    16. H. H. Hiller, ‘Conventions as Mega-Events: A New Model for Convention-Host City Relationships’, Tourism Management, 1995, 16, 5, 375–9.

    17. J. R. B. Ritchie and D. Beliveau, ‘Hallmark Events: An Evaluation of a Strategic Response to Seasonality in the Travel Market’, Journal of Travel Research, 1974, 13, 1, 14–20.

    18. B. Faulkner, ‘Evaluating the Tourism Impacts of Hallmark Events’ (Occasional Paper No. 16, Tourism Australia, 2003), pp. 1–22.

    VOLUME II: Effects, Role, and Significance

    Part 4: Social and Cultural Perspectives

    19. R. Prentice and V. Andersen, ‘Festival as Creative Destination’, Annals of Tourism Research, 2003, 30, 1, 7–30.

    20. S. M. Kates, ‘Producing and Consuming Gendered Representations: An Interpretation of the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras’, Consumption, Markets and Culture, 2003, 6, 1, 5–22.

    21. E. Fredline and B. Faulkner, ‘Host Community Reactions: A Cluster Analysis’, Annals of Tourism Research, 2000, 27, 3, 763–84.

    22. R. C. Davis and G. R. Marvin, ‘Ships and Fools’, Venice, the Tourist Maze: A Cultural Critique of the World’s Most Touristed City (University of California Press, 2004), pp. 237–60.

    23. S. Rodriguez, ‘Fiesta Time and Plaza Space: Resistance and Accommodation in a Tourist Town’, Journal of American Folklore, 1998, 111, 439, 39–56.

    24. C. Ballerino Cohen, ‘"This is De Test": Festival and the Cultural Politics of Nation Building in the British Virgin Islands’, American Ethnologist, 1998, 25, 2, 189–214.

    25. L. Chalip, ‘Towards Social Leverage of Sports Events’, Journal of Sport and Tourism, 2006, 11, 2, 109–27.

    Part 5: Political and Economic Perspectives

    26. G. Waitt, ‘The Olympic Spirit and Civic Boosterism: The Sydney 2000 Olympics’, Tourism Geographies, 2001, 3, 3, 249–78.

    27. S. Shukla, ‘Building Diaspora and Nation: The 1991 "Cultural Festival of India"’, Cultural Studies, 1997, 11, 2, 296–315.

    28. E. Fayos-Sola, A. Marin, and C. Meffert, ‘The Strategic Role of Tourism Trade Fairs in the New Age of Tourism’, Tourism Management, 1994, 15, 1, 9–16.

    29. H. Preuss, ‘The Economic Impact of Visitors at Major Multi-Sport Events’, European Sport Management Quarterly, 2005, 5, 3, 281–301.

    30. M. Oppermann, ‘Convention Cities: Images and Changing Fortunes’, Journal of Tourism Studies, 1996, 7, 1, 10–19.

    31. B. García, ‘Urban Regeneration, Arts Programming and Major Events: Glasgow 1990, Sydney 2000 and Barcelona 2004’, International Journal of Cultural Policy, 2004, 10, 1, 103–18.

    32. S. Essex and B. Chalkley, ‘Mega-Sporting Events in Urban and Regional Policy: A History of the Winter Olympics’, Planning Perspectives, 2004, 19, 2, 201–32.

    33. G. Hughes, ‘Urban Revitalization: The Use of Festive Time Strategies’, Leisure Studies, 1999, 18, 2, 119–35.

    34. S. Essex and B. Chalkley, ‘Olympic Games: Catalyst of Urban Change’, Leisure Studies, 1998, 17, 187–206.

    35. D. Sullivan and M. J. Jackson, ‘Festival Tourism: A Contributor to Sustainable Local Economic Development?’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2002, 10, 4, 325–42.

    VOLUME III: Event Tourism Destinations: Case Studies and Best Practice

    Part 6: Private Events

    36. M. McDonald, ‘Tourist Weddings in Hawai’i: Consuming the Destination’, in C. Cartier and A. A. Lew (eds.), Seductions of Place: Geographical Perspectives on Globalization and Touristed Landscapes (Routledge, 2005), pp. 171–92).

    Part 7: Cultural Events

    37. B. Quinn, ‘Problematising "Festival Tourism": Arts Festivals and Sustainable Development in Ireland’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2006, 14, 3, 288–306.

    38. B. A. W. Jackson, ‘The Shakespeare Festival: Stratford, Ontario, 1953–1977’, Shakespeare Quarterly, 1978, 29, 2, 164–91.

    39. K. D. Holton, ‘Dressing for Success: Lisbon as European Cultural Capital’, Journal of American Folklore, 1998, 111, 440, 173–96.

    40. K. F. Gotham, ‘Marketing Mardi Gras: Commodification, Spectacle and the Political Economy of Tourism in New Orleans’, Urban Studies, 2002, 39, 10, 1735–56.

    41. G. Richards and J. Wilson, ‘The Impact of Cultural Events on City Image: Rotterdam, Cultural Capital of Europe 2001’, Urban Studies, 2004, 41, 10, 1931–51.

    Part 8: Urban destinations

    42. G. Reid, ‘Showcasing Scotland? A Case Study of the MTV Europe Music Awards, Edinburgh 2003’, Leisure Studies, 2007, 26, 4, 479–94.

    43. T. Harcup, ‘Re-imaging a Post-Industrial City: The Leeds St Valentine’s Fair as a Civic Spectacle’, City, 2000, 4, 2, 215–31.

    44. G. McCartney, ‘The CAT (Casino Tourism) and the MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, Exhibitions): Key Development Considerations for the Convention and Exhibition Industry in Macao’, Journal of Convention and Event Tourism, 2008, 9, 4, 293–308.

    Part 9: National Events

    45. K. Olds, ‘Urban Mega-Events, Evictions and Housing Rights: The Canadian Case’, Current Issues in Tourism, 1998, 1, 1, 1–46.

    46. S. Cornelissen, ‘Sport Mega-Events in Africa: Processes, Impacts and Prospects’, Tourism and Hospitality Planning and Development, 2004, 1, 1, 39–56.

    47. N. Kliot and N. Collins-Kreiner, ‘Wait For Us—We’re Not Ready Yet: Holy Land Preparations for the New Millennium—The Year 2000’, Current Issues in Tourism, 2003, 6, 2, 119–49.

    48. C. Bossen, ‘Festival Mania, Tourism and Nation Building in Fiji: The Case of the Hibiscus Festival, 1956–1970’, The Contemporary Pacific, 2000, 12, 1, 123–54.

    Part 10: Sporting Events

    49. G. Souter and P. McLeod, ‘Residents’ Perceptions on Impact of the America’s Cup’, Annals of Tourism Research, 1993, 20, 571–82.

    50. M. Barker, S. Page, and D. Meyer, ‘Modeling Tourism Crime: The 2000 America’s Cup’, Annals of Tourism Research, 2002, 29, 3, 762–82.

    51. M. Barker and S. J. Page, ‘Visitor Safety in Urban Tourism Environments: The Case of Auckland, New Zealand’, Cities, 2002, 19, 4, 273–82.

    VOLUME IV: Managing Event Operations

    Part 11: Event Audiences

    52. C. Arcodia and M. Whitford, ‘Festival Attendance and the Development of Social Capital’, Journal of Convention and Event Tourism, 2006, 8, 2, 1–18.

    53. H. Preuss, B. Seguin, and N. O’Reilly, ‘Profiling Major Sport Event Visitors: The 2002 Commonwealth Games’, Journal of Sport and Tourism, 2007, 12, 1, 5–23.

    54. J. L. Crompton and S. L. McKay, ‘Motives of Visitors Attending Festival Events’, Annals of Tourism Research, 1997, 24, 2, 425–39.

    55. J. Mackellar, ‘An Examination of Serious Participants at the Australian Wintersun Festival’, Leisure Studies, 2009, 28, 1, 85–104.

    Part 12: Stage and Visitor Management

    56. M. Leenders et al., ‘Success in the Dutch Music Festival Market: The Role of Format and Content’, International Journal on Media Management, 2005, 7, 3/4, 148–57.

    57. H. Knight and C. Mulry, ‘Reading Rock Festival: A Nursing Perspective’, Accident and Emergency Nursing, 1996, 4, 1, 40–2.

    58. D. Holdsworth, ‘On the Free Festivals Phenomenon’, International Journal of Environmental Studies, 1977, 10, 2, 181–6.

    59. C. Chippindale, ‘Stoned Henge: Events and issues at the Summer Solstice, 1985’, World Archaeology, 1986, 18, 1, 38–58.

    60. H. Lee and A. R. Graefe, ‘Crowding at an Arts Festival: Extending Crowding Models to the Frontcountry’, Tourism Management, 2003, 24, 1, 1–11.

    Part 13: Planning and Managing Events

    61. B. Bramwell, ‘Strategic Planning Before and After a Mega-Event’, Tourism Management, 1997, 18, 3, 167–76.

    62. K. A. Smith, ‘Distribution Channels for Events: Supply and Demand-Side Perspectives’, Journal of Vacation Marketing, 2007, 13, 321–38.

    63. L. Chalip and C. A. Costa, ‘Sport Event Tourism and the Destination Brand: Towards a General Theory’, Sport in Society, 2005, 8, 2, 218–37.

    64. B. McKercher, W. S. Mei, and T. S. M. Tse, ‘Are Short Duration Cultural Festivals Tourist Attractions?’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2003, 14, 1, 55–66.

    65. T. D. Hinch and T. A. Delamere, ‘Native Festivals as Tourism Attractions: A Community Challenge’, Journal of Applied Recreation Research, 1993, 18, 2, 131–42.

    66. T. Andersson and D. Getz, ‘Stakeholder Management Strategies of Festivals’, Journal of Convention and Event Tourism, 2008, 9, 3, 199–220.

    Part 14: Evaluating Events

    67. J. R. B. Ritchie, ‘Assessing the Impact of Hallmark Events: Conceptual and Research Issues’, Journal of Travel Research, 1984, 23, 1, 2–11.

    68. P. T. Long and P. R. Perdue, ‘The Economic Impact of Rural Festivals and Special Events: Assessing the Spatial Distribution of Expenditures’, Journal of Travel Research, 1990, 28, 4, 10–14.

    69. J. L. Crompton, S. Lee, and T. J. Shuster, ‘A Guide for Undertaking Economic Impact Studies: The Springfest Example’, Journal of Travel Research, 2001, 40, 1, 79–87.

    70. M. Williams and G. A. J. Bowdin, ‘Festival Evaluation: An Exploration of Seven UK Arts Festivals’, Managing Leisure, 2007, 12, 187–203.

    71. J. R. B. Ritchie and M. Lyons, ‘Olympulse VI: A Post-Event Assessment of Resident Reaction to the XV Olympic Winter Games’, Journal of Travel Research, 1990, 28, 14–23.

    72. J. Connell and S. J. Page, ‘Evaluating the Economic and Spatial Effects of an Event: The Case of the World Medical and Health Games’, Tourism Geographies: An International Journal of Tourism Space, Place and Environment, 2005, 7, 1, 63–85.

    73. W. W. McHone and B. Rungeling, ‘Practical Issues in Measuring the Impact of a Cultural Tourist Event in a Major Tourist Destination’, Journal of Travel Research, 2000, 38, 300–3.

    74. J. L. Crompton, ‘Economic Impact Studies: Instruments for Political Shenanigans?’, Journal of Travel Research, 2006, 45, 67–82.


    Stephen J. Page has been co-editor of the leading Tourism journal, Tourism Management (Elsevier), since 1996. He is the author, editor and co-editor/co-author of twenty books and helped Routledge set up their initial tourism list in the early 1990s prior to the move to Thomson Learning in 1995. He has taught and researched on leisure-related issues since 1987 and has experience of compiling a similar publication based on The Best of Tourism Management in 2000 (forty contributions). He holds the Scottish Enterprise Forth Valley Chair in Tourism at the University of Stirling. He has written three editions of our Geography of Tourism and Recreation.

    Joanne Connell is Lecturer in Tourism and Co-ordinator of Leisure Studies at the University, with enrolments of up to 130 in the first-year course. She has taught and researched in this area since 1996 and has a PhD in the area. She has co-authored two editions of Tourism: A Modern Synthesis (Thomson Learning), which is about to appear as a full-colour text. This will be one of only three major international texts in the field (two of them in colour) and its comprehensive synthesis of the field illustrates a wider understanding of the needs of this project to provide a similar outcome. Her ability to signpost the literature is a complementary skill which she would bring to the project. She is also a leisure consultant and has worked for various clients, including VisitScotland and Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park (LLTNP). She was seconded to LLTNP to help them prepare their National Park Plan and so she has both academic and practitioner experience which will be invaluable for this project.