408 Pages 25 Color & 55 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    408 Pages 25 Color & 55 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    Exercise immunology is a discipline at the nexus of exercise physiology and immunology that aims to characterize the effects of exercise on immune competency in health and disease.  This new edition of Exercise Immunology provides an evidence-based introduction to the effects that individual bouts of exercise and exercise training have on the characteristics and functioning of the immune system.


    In addition to introducing the immune system and the effects that different forms of exercise have on the immune system, this new and fully revised edition will explore exercise immunology in the context of immune aging, cancer, autoimmune diseases and cardiometabolic disease. In addition, the authors discuss other factors that impact immune health, such as nutrition and environmental stressors and explain the physiological basis of how exercise changes immune function across the healthspan and lifespan.


    This book is written by leading exercise immunologists and is structured to provide a suggested curriculum of an exercise immunology degree component. Every chapter includes summaries of current and up-to-date research and offers practical guidelines to translate laboratory-based information into clinical settings. This textbook is essential for any exercise immunology degree component or advanced exercise physiology degree and will be vital reading for students in exercise and biological sciences and clinicians and researchers interested in the therapeutic applications of exercise.

    1. History of Exercise Immunology

    James E. Turner and John P. Campbell


    2. The Human Immune System

    Guillaume Spielmann, James E. Turner, and John P. Campbell


    3. Methods in Exercise Immunology

    Tim Schauer and Jesper Frank Christensen


    4. Exercise and Cellular Immunity

    Karsten Krüger and Philipp Zimmer


    5. Soluble Immunity and Exercise

    Arwel W. Jones and Glen Davison


    6. Systems Immunity and Exercise

    Hawley E. Kunz, Brian A. Irving, J.Philip Karl, and Heather Quiriarte


    7. Exercise and Immune Competency: In Vivo Research

    Kate M. Edwards, Sarah C. Marvin, and Marian L. Kohut


    8. Exercise Immunology and Immunosenescence

    Guillaume Spielmann and Richard J. Simpson


    9. Exercise Immunology and Infectious Disease

    Emily C LaVoy and David C Nieman


    10. Exercise Immunology and Cancer

    David B. Bartlett and Erik D. Hanson


    11. Exercise Immunology and Autoimmune Diseases

    Brian J. Andonian, Ana J. Pinto, and Bruno Gualano


    12. Exercise Immunology and Cardiometabolic Diseases

    Mark Ross, Graeme Koelwyn, and Alex Wadley


    13. Environmental Exercise Immunology

    David B. Pyne, William Trim, and Samuel J. Oliver


    14. Exercise Immunology, Nutrition and Immunometabolism

    Brandt D. Pence


    15. Exercise Immunology and Interactions with Psychological Stress

    Courtney A. Bouchet and Monika Fleshner



    James Turner, PhD is an Associate Professor in the School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Birmingham (United Kingdom). James started his independent academic career in the Department for Health at the University of Bath between 2013-2023. Previously at the University of Birmingham, James undertook post-doctoral training in cancer immunology between 2011-2013 and undertook a PhD between 2007-2010 examining exercise and immune system ageing. The research James leads explores interaction between lifestyle and mechanisms of ageing and disease, spanning two themes: overweight/obesity and immune system ageing (with focus on adipose tissue immunology) and physical activity and cancer immunology (with focus on factors that influence treatment outcomes).


    Guillaume Spielmann, PhD is an Associate Professor of Exercise Immunology at Louisiana State University (United States). Guillaume acquired his PhD at Edinburgh Napier University (United Kingdom) and continued his training at the University of Houston between 2012-2015. Guillaume’s research focuses on the impact of exercise on immune ageing and chronic disease risks including cancer and Type 2 Diabetes. Over the past decade, he has also published numerous manuscripts on the effects of exercise and psychological stress on the immune function of patients, athletes and tactical athletes, such as astronauts. He is a member of several sport science societies worldwide, including the International Society of Exercise Immunology and the American College of Sports Medicine.


    John Campbell, PhD is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in the Department for Health at the University of Bath (United Kingdom). John trained at the Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy at the University of Birmingham Medical School, after acquiring his PhD from the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences at the University of Birmingham. Prior to that, John obtained a BSc in Sport and Exercise Sciences from Edinburgh Napier University. John’s principal area of research is understanding how exercise and other lifestyle factors alter anti-cancer immunity. John also conducts research in cancer immunodiagnostics, and is a co-inventor of numerous blood cancer tests.