1st Edition

Extractivism and Labour in the Caribbean

Edited By Dennis C. Canterbury Copyright 2024
    280 Pages 8 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    This book explores the impact of resource extraction and the dynamics of great powers competing for natural resources in the Caribbean. The book analyzes labour–capital relations between China, the United States, the European Union, and Russia in the Caribbean, as competition increases with the arrival of non-traditional sources of foreign investments in infrastructure from the East.

    Chapters assess these dynamics through varying historical and current forms of worker, community, and organization resistance in the Caribbean’s extractive industries from the 1970s to the present. In doing so, the book critically analyzes the interplay of extractive capital with labour unions, community organizations, management, and the state, particularly regarding the struggle for higher wages, improved working conditions, and the broader issues of extractive capitalism and underdevelopment, dispossession, social exclusion, and environmental degradation.

    The first book on extractivism and labour in the Caribbean and a major contribution to critical development studies literature, it will appeal to policymakers as well as students and scholars in the fields of development studies, development economics, sociology, politics, and international relations.


    Dennis C. Canterbury


    Part 1: Extractive capitalism in the Caribbean: labour, donor landscape, and China

    1          Extractivist capitalism and labor: a theoretical outline

    Dennis C. Canterbury

    2          Caribbean labour in the twenty-first century

    Dennis C. Canterbury

    3          The donor landscape for extractive industries investment in the Caribbean

    Dennis C. Canterbury

    4          The increasing influence of China in resource extraction in the Caribbean      

    Dennis C. Canterbury


    Part II: Case studies: Guyana, Jamaica, Cuba, Haiti, and Puerto Rico

    5          Extractivism and labour in Guyana

                Randolph A. Williams

    6          Bauxite, Michael Manley, and the workers without history

    Jordan Howell

    7          Catching hell in paradise: environmental justice and superfluous labour in Cuba, Haiti, and Puerto Rico in the twenty-first century

    Darryl C. Thomas


    Part III: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on labour

    8          Caribbean labour market outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Warren Benfield and Dacia L. Leslie

    9          COVID-19 and the triple crises for Caribbean labour

    Dillon Alleyne

    10        Conclusion

    Dennis C. Canterbury


    Dennis C. Canterbury is Professor of Sociology at Eastern Connecticut State University, USA. He specializes in the sociology of development and the sociology of labour. His recent books include Caribbean Development in the New Multipolar World Order (2022), Neoliberal Democratization and New Authoritarianism (2019), and Neoextractivism and Capitalist Development (2018).