1st Edition

Foreigners in Muscovy Western Immigrants in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Russia

Edited By Simon Dreher, Wolfgang Mueller Copyright 2023
    270 Pages 2 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    270 Pages 2 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    Between the late fifteenth and early eighteenth centuries, the State of Muscovy emerged from being a rather homogenous Russian-speaking and Orthodox medieval principality to becoming a multi-ethnic and multi-religious empire. Not only the conquest of the neighbouring Tatar Khanates and the colonisation of Siberia demanded the integration of non-Christian populations into the Russian state. The ethnic composition of the capital and other towns also changed due to Muscovite policies of recruiting soldiers, officers, and specialists from various European countries, as well as the accommodation of merchants and the resettlement of war prisoners and civilians from annexed territories. The presence of foreign immigrants was accompanied by controversy and conflicts, which demanded adaptations not only in the Muscovite legal, fiscal, and economic systems but also in the everyday life of both native citizens and immigrants.

    This book combines two major research fields on international relations in the State of Muscovy: the migration, settlement, and integration of Western Europeans, and Russian and European perceptions of the respective "other".

    Foreigners in Muscovy will appeal to researchers and students interested in the history and social makeup of Muscovy and in European–Russian relations during the early modern era.

    Simon Dreher and Wolfgang Mueller
    European Immigration to Muscovy in the Early Modern Era: An Introduction

    SECTION 1: Immigration, Settlement, and Integration

    Iulia Nițescu
    From Individual Destinies to an Emergent Community: Latins in Sixteenth-Century Moscow

    Konstantin Erusalimskij
    Back in Moscow: Repatriation of Muscovite Emigrants in the Political and Legal Culture of Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Russia

    Simon Dreher
    Foreigners on Moscow’s Housing Market: Legislation, Practices, and Administrative Handling of Foreign Residence Ownership in the Decades before Its Prohibition in 1652

    Endre Sashalmi
    Muscovite Ideology and the "Other" in the Town: Articles of the 1649 Law Code and the Impact of Local Initiative

    SECTION 2: Interaction, Conflict, and Cooperation

    Oleg Rusakovskij
    Foreign Mercenaries and the Russian Population, 1631–1634: Conflict and Coexistence

    Kirill Kochegarov
    The Jesuit Mission and the Local Catholic Community in Smolensk: The First Years after the Treaty of Eternal Peace 1686

    Daniel C. Waugh
    Perlustration: The Opening of Foreigners’ Mail in Muscovy

    Iskra Schwarcz
    Foreign Engineers, the Conquest of Azov, and the Building of Taganrog

    SECTION 3: Communication and Perception

    Uladzimir Kananovich
    A Foreigner in Early Sixteenth-Century Muscovy: Duke Michael Glinski at the Muscovite Court

    Alexandr Osipian
    Playing Chess with Boris Godunov and Living in a Guesthouse: Attitudes to Armenian Merchants in Early Modern Muscovy

    Jan Willem Veluwenkamp
    Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Family Networks in Dutch Trade with Russia, 1590–1750

    Sabine Dumschat
    Halfway between the Kremlin and the Sloboda: The Catholic Physician Carbonarius and the Social Networks of Foreign Specialists in Muscovy

    Appendix 1: Maps

    Appendix 2: Glossary

    Appendix 3: Acronyms and Abbreviations

    Notes on the Authors and Editors


    Simon Dreher studied history in Marburg (Lahn) and completed his Master’s thesis in 2017 on European views on Russian Orthodoxy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. He is a PhD candidate at the University of Münster. His dissertation project focuses on everyday interactions between Western immigrants and natives in seventeenth-century Muscovy. He has been a university assistant at the Department for East European History in Vienna from 2018 to 2022 and is now employed at the Institute for Comparative Urban History (IStG) in Münster. Recent and forthcoming publications include: "‘Gegen die vermalediden ketzer und aff gesneden Ruyssen und ungelovigen Tarteren’. Bedrohungskommunikation im Rahmen der Livländischen Ablasskampagnen (1503–1510)", Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung 70 (2021), No 1, 1–30; "Abgehängt? Die Ausländergemeinden in der Hafenstadt Archangel’sk unter dem Eindruck der Handelsrestriktionen von 1721–1762", in: Russländische Städte im 18. Jahrhundert: Imperiale Konzeptionen und lokale Dynamiken (Moderne Stadtgeschichte 2022, No 2), ed. by Boris Belge and Ulrich Hofmeister (forthcoming); "Servants in foreigners’ houses in mid-seventeenth century Muscovy: Local diff erences in legislation and practice", in: Aspects of Law and Religion in Russia in the Early Modern Age, 1550s –1721 (Law and Religion in the Early Modern Period/Recht und Religion in der Frühen Neuzeit), ed. by Endre Sashalmi (forthcoming in 2023)."

    Wolfgang Mueller is Full Professor of Russian History at the University of Vienna and a corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. He was the founding deputy director of the Institute of Modern and Contemporary Historical Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences; a visiting professor at the Universities of Rostock/Germany, Torun/Poland, Nice/France, and Bern/Switzerland; and a visiting fellow at the Russian Academy of Sciences and Stanford University. He was awarded the R. Plaschka Prize, the L. Kunschak Prize, and the Austrian State Prize of History. His fields of research are international history, Russian and Soviet foreign policy, and political thought. One of his current research projects focuses on Russian perceptions of Europeans. His publications include:"Russland und die Habsburgermonarchie 1853-1914: Von Krisen zum Untergang," in: Österreich - Russland: Stationen gemeinsamer Geschichte, ed. by Stefan Karner and Alexander Tschubarjan, Graz 2018, 63-89 (with Olga Pavlenko); "Internationale Geschichte: Eine junge Disziplin mit langer Tradition," in: In Europa zu Hause. Festschrift für Michael Gehler zum 60. Geburtstag, Hildesheim 2002, 151–161.