1st Edition

Global Manifestos for the Twenty-First Century Rethinking Culture, Common Struggles, and Future Change

    Bringing together over forty original short essays, some academic, others more creative in nature, this collection responds to the political, historical, social, and economic situation in which we find ourselves today.

    The editors argue that we are living in a repetition that must be stopped – if our goal is that the signifier "humanity" remains in the following centuries, the time has come to work in the present. The objective is not to deliver precise or quick answers, but to gather varied voices from different continents, bringing together different languages, ideas, practices, theories, thoughts, and desires. In the words of Yanis Varoufakis, "urging us to become agents of a future that ends unnecessary mass suffering and inspire humanity to realise its potential for authentic freedom." To leave the concept of a manifesto open, the contradictory aspects of the chapters are a subject of the manifesto itself. This is a manifesto of contradictions that reflects our reality as well as our struggles and our aspirations.

    This unique anthology will appeal to students and scholars across the humanities and social sciences interested in critical theory and social change.

    01 Introduction: Why Global Manifestos for the 21st Century?

    Nicol A. Barria Asenjo


    02 Foreword

    Urgently Needed: A New Manifesto for Fun and Freedom

    Yanis Varoufakis



    Towards a Historical View Without Retrospective Romanticism or Future Idealization


    03 Sublation and Dislocation: A False Choice

    Slavoj Žižek


    04 Emancipation Through a New Global Perspective

    Pavin Chachavalpongpun


    05 Manifesto: Commonism Now!

    Bara Kolenc


    06 A Left of the Passage

    Mia Neuhaus, Timo Dorsch, Anna-Maria Imholz, Tomás Imholz, Mario Neumann, Massimo Perinelli, Michael Ramminger, Thomas Rudhof-Seibert, and Anita Starosta


    07 Universality in the Middle: A Buddhist Post-Global Perspective

    Hung-Chiung Li


    08 Manifesto in Favor of Freedom of Thought and Tolerance to Dissent

    José E. García


    09 The Lessons of Cultural Humility: From a Struggle of Universalities to the Sublation of Existing Systems 

    Ignacio López-Calvo




    Philosophical Footprints of the Present to Build a Here-and- Now



    10 United by Touch and Breath: For a Co-ontological Revolution

    Francesca R. Recchia Luciani


    11 Volcanic Lakes and Hallucinatory Vegetation:  A Disaster to Think About the Future

    Celia González


    12 Epidemic Refraction: A Critical Outlook Echoing Universal Explications Through Microcosmic Mayhem

    Bidisha Chakraborty and Esha Sen


                13 reading | love | writing | art

    Jeremy Fernando


    14 Beyond the Permanent Crisis

    Jordi Riba


    15 Manifesto for a New Grammar of Liberation

    Esteban Beltrán Ulate


    16 The Road to the Scaffold: The Struggle of Nicolas de Condorcet and Olympe de Gouges for Gender Equality

    Olga Vinogradova


    17 The Political Challenges of Our Century in Education

    J. Félix Angulo Rasco and Silvia Redon Pantoja




    Struggle of Universalities, Towards a Global Movement


    18 Crisis-Impasse, Centrality of Periphery and the Necessity of International Organization

    Fernando A. T. Ximenes


    19 Europe’s Malignant Supplements, I Know. But Nevertheless…

    Imanol Galfarsoro


    20 Is Latin America a Reflection of the Europe Avant-garde Model?

    Jorge Torres Vinueza and Veronica León-Ron


    21 “Brexit for All”!: Why the Left Should (Urgently) Rediscover the Concept of Sovereignty

    Timothy Appleton


    22 Decolonial Feminism: A Political Proposal from the Global South

    Isabela Boada Guglielmi


    23 Universalities: The Power of Lack

    Evren İnançoğlu


    24 Austerity, Brexit, Covid: Short Circuits and a New Identity for Wales

    Alex Mangold


    25 No More Manifestos!… Žižek Said “Europe”?

    Ricardo Espinoza Lolas


    26 From Balkanized Universal(s) to Archipelagic Multiverse

    Andrea Perunović


    27 War in the State and the State in War

    Carlos-Adolfo Rengifo-Castañeda, Alexander Muriel, Diana-Carolina Cañaveral-Londoño, Francisco Yusty, and Conrado Giraldo Zuluaga


    28 Can Europe Be a Manifesto? The Role of Europe in Korean American Literature

    Brian Willems


    29 Lapulapu’s Kris and Panglima Awang’s First Circumnavigation of the World

    Ramon Guillermo



    Distinction or Difference: Letting Go of Confrontation and Starting Co-Construction



    30 Where the Individual Was, the Self Must Come!

    Jairo Gallo Acosta and Jennifer Andrea Moya Castano


    31 The Patipolitical Body

    Isabel Millar


    32 “This is a Shitty Government, But it is My Government”: Love, Power, War in Times of “Collapsed Horizons” and History’s Limitation

     “Willka” Álvaro Rodrigo Zarate Huayta


    33 The Cosmopolitan Left Against Neoliberalism, Liberfascism and Cyberalism in the Twenty-First Century: A Latin American Approach to the Current Global Political Situation Since Post-Communism

    Jesús Ayala-Colqui


    34 Reflections from the Theory of the Encryption of Power: Energeia and the Manifestation of the Non-Being

    Ricardo Sanín Restrepo


    35 The Formation of a Necro-State: Biopolitical Effects of Neoliberal Capitalism in Contemporary Ecuador

    Martin Aulestia Calero


    36 Real Subsumption, a Problem Rendered

    Bradley Kaye


    37 Interiority and Exteriority in the Space of Capital

    Arturo Romero Contreras


    38 Epilogue: Contradictions Between Irreconcilable Manifestos

    David Pavón-Cuéllar




    Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo is the author of columns, essays, and academic articles, including Žižek: Cómo Pensar con Claridad en un Mundo al Réves? (2023) and Psychoanalysis Between Philosophy and Politics, co-edited with Slavoj Žižek (2023).

    Brian Willems is associate professor of literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, Croatia. He is most recently the author of Sham Ruins: A User’s Guide (Routledge, 2022).

    Slavoj Žižek is director of the International Humanities Centre, Birkbeck College, University of London, and senior research fellow at the Department of Philosophy, University of Ljubljana. He is a lecturer at numerous universities in the United States, United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, and South Korea.

    "We share the desire for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and can recognize that it’s untenable to claim them for ourselves but deny them to others. Together with darker motives like greed and vengeance, we have capacities for empathy, self-control, cognitive faculties that can solve problems, and language, which can share the solutions. These existential challenges, and our species’ best response to them, are addressed in the book Global Manifestos for the Twenty-First Century: Rethinking Culture, Common Struggles, and Future Change."

    Steven Pinker, Harvard University

    "The 21st century now has several Manifestos. Manifestos that announce an anti-neoliberal world, a multipolar world, a world of all and for all. A world where all worlds fit."

    Emir Sader, Brazilian political scientist, philosopher, academic, and activist  

    "The interpellation of these "Manifestos" lies basically in not resigning in the face of the common condition of the struggles. We must cross the particularity of the different struggles and articulate them in a new international project that goes beyond sectorial and identity-based demands."

    Jorge Alemán, Argentine psychoanalyst, militant, and poet